Hello Walter:

For VFP apps, I've used AtvSoftware's Visual FoxPro library Fb_post_event.fll, 
at http://www.atvsoftware.com/products.php?id=vfpfl.  For other languages, 
their Database Event Alerter For Firebird looks promising.


--- In firebird-support@yahoogroups.com, W O <sistemas2000profesional@...> 
> Hello everybody
> How to capture an event in an application programmed with Visual Basic 6,
> Visual FoxPro, C, C++ or Java but without using components?
> I know that there are Delphi's components for that but ... how can I
> capture an event in some of the above languages without using a component?
> Greetings and thanks in advance.
> Walter.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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