I am using FB 2.5.1 on Windows 7 64 bits.
It works perfectly on FlameRobin Unicode (x64):
Create Database test.fdb Default Character Set utf8;

Create Table test15 External 'c:\mytable15.txt' 
  code1   Integer, 
  code2   Integer, 
  name    char(20),
  born    date default current_date, 
  crlf    char(2)
Insert Into test15(code1, code2, name, born, crlf) Values(1, 2, 'abc', 
'01.01.2001', ascii_char(13)||ascii_char(10));
Insert Into test15(code1, code2, name, born, crlf) Values(3, 5, 'def', 
'02.02.2002', ascii_char(13)||ascii_char(10));
Insert Into test15(code1, code2, name, born, crlf) Values(5, 6, 'ghi', 
'03.03.2003', ascii_char(13)||ascii_char(10));
Insert Into test15(code1, code2, name, born, crlf) Values(7, 8, 'jkl', 
'04.04.2004', ascii_char(13)||ascii_char(10));
Insert Into test15(code1, code2, name, born, crlf) Values(9, 0, 'mno', 
'05.05.2005', ascii_char(13)||ascii_char(10));
Select * From test15;

But when I open c:\mytable15.txt on Notepad++ 6.1.8 (UNICODE), I only can 
understand column NAME.
The other columns are not human readble.
Why I cannot read number and date fields on the text file, but Firebird show 
them perfectly on select statement?

Thanks for any help or hint.

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