Anyone available for a quick reply?  Schools are closing early for
hurricane Sandy and I'd like to resolve this before an involuntary long
weekend babysitting :-(

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Rick Debay
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 10:50 AM
Subject: [firebird-support] Compound foreign key & null value bug?

I'm modifying a foreign key from one column to two.
I dropped the original foreign key from the child table, populated the
new columns, and then created the new key.

I forgot to populate the new column in the child table, so all the
relationships looked like this:

Child        Parent
-----        ------
Col1:null -> Col1:A
Col2:B    -> Col2:B

The new foreign keys were created without any errors.  Since (null,B)
doesn't match anything, shouldn't the creation have failed?



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