> > When I use the query:
> >
> > select * from mytable where myfield like :myparameter
> >
> > and define myparameter = 'test'
> >
> > the plan doesn't use the index (natural) and my query returns slowly.
> >
> Once it's a parameter, the parameter could hold any value like:
> 'ABC'
> 'ABC%'
> '%ABC'
> the first two could use an index during a search the last on could not 
> use any index.
> The optimizer shoul prepare the path for all the scenarios.

Of course, thank you for your answer. I create my queries dynamically each time 
and thought the use of parameters would be less problematic (escaping etc.).

> You could change your query to something like:
> select * from mytable where myfield starting with :myparameter
> This way an index would be used.
> In fact in a non parameterized query, your original query has a kind of code 
> injection, and become something like:
> select * from mytable where myfield like 'test%'
>   and myfield starting with 'test'
> Thus the index could be used.

Yes, that's a possibility. But I think I still need to create the statement 
without parameters for string values to give my users the maximum flexibility 
and performance. Once again, thank you for you answer.

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