At 02:19 a.m. 27/11/2012, André Knappstein wrote:
>Hi Gang,
>preparing finally for the leap of faith and switch from 1.5.6 to 2.5.2
>on  all applications and databases. So far everything is still nice. I
>followed documentations and postings on the -Fix_FSS_M switch.
>I never made too wide use of UDFs, so I don't expect too many problems
>No I found the following:
>On   occasions   (not   regularly,  but quite often)  I  get the "size
>specification  either missing or incorrect...". I checked old postings
>but did not find something for my case.
>I am not specifying file sizes. Each database consists of only 1 file.

The minimum abbreviation for the -password switch is -pass (not -pas).  This 
error is occurring because of confusion with -pa[ge_size].

>I  have  the  impression  that the order of parameters in gbak.exe can
>influence the quota of errors, but can't lay a hand on it.

In older versions, it worked best to place the -user and -password parameters 
at the end for a restore.  I'm not aware that this still holds for 2.x 
versions, though.

>For example, the following mostly works, but not always:
>gbak  -rep Z:\Local\Daten\BU_SFiles Z:\Local\Daten\SFiles -user SYSDBA
>-pas masterkey ­y Z:\Local\Daten\X_SFiles.txt -v -FIX_FSS_M WIN1252
>while the next one sometimes works, but in most cases not:
>gbak  -rep Z:\Local\Daten\BU_SFiles Z:\Local\Daten\SFiles -user SYSDBA
>-pas masterkey -v -FIX_FSS_M WIN1252 ­y Z:\Local\Daten\X_SFiles.txt

I guess you remembered that you'll get an error if you try to output the 
-verify text to a file name that already exists?

>note please, that I only change the order of parameters.
>Also,  this  only  happens  when  restoring from 1.5.x backup to 2.5.2
>server.  Restoring  from functional 2.5.2 backups never fails with any
>One  thing I can definitely say is that in several 100 occasions, gbak
>never fails if I drop the -y <path> option completely.

See above - output files MUST be uniquely named.

By the way, if you are using the gbak instructions in Ch. 39 of The Firebird 
Book Second Edition that was released on the IBPhoenix DVD #21 in August, you 
should know that two lots of Errata relating to that chapter have been fixed 
since then.  You can refresh your book at the IBPhoenix web site. <<-------


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