
> always a great place to get help!!
> here's what i have data wise:
> Tag     ID     Date
> ABC     11     2012
> DEF     11     2011
> GHJ     11     2010
> HHH     22     2012
> ZZZ     22     2011
> AAA     22     2010
> AAK     33     2012
> AAD     44     2012
> YYY     44     2010

> My desire is to still keep the "groups" of ID together
> i'd LIKE
> AAA    22
> HHH    22
> ZZZ    22
> AAD    44
> YYY    44
> AAK    33
> ABC    11
> DEF    11
> GHJ    11
> but
> select * order by tag, date group by ID doesn't work

First, your expected output and your SELECT don't align.  Where is the Date 

Second, stop using SELECT * very bad habit.  Ok, for debugging/testing, bad for 

> NOTE i do NOT want to sort by ID.  I just want the list sorted by Tag,
> subsorted by date.  BUT I want all the IDs together because the Tag might
> change from date to date for ID

Your post/requirements are contradictory:

- "My desire is to still keep the "groups" of ID together"

- "NOTE i do NOT want to sort by ID"

If you want them "together", they need to be sorted

- "I just want the list sorted by Tag, subsorted by date."

Which is it, do you want the ID together or the Tags by date?


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