mateuszloskot  [2013-02-15 13:53] :
> Hi,
> I need to install and configure Firebird to build and
> test my C++ project on the continous integration service
> at
> The system is based on Linux (Debian).
> Unlike for MySQL or PostgreSQL, does not provide
> pre-configured Firebird support, though its status is unclear [1].
> The problem is that I can not perform any interactive configuration
> steps. Namely, I can not issue the command required by canonical
> Firebird installation:
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure firebird2.5-super
> My first question is, how can I install, configure and run Firebird
> without interactive steps?
> I have found that someone asked similar question to mine,
> followed with suggestion to set ENABLE_FIREBIRD_SERVER in 
> /etc/default/firebird2.5 file [2].
> Then, my travis.yml config file [3] can execute:
> sed /ENABLE_FIREBIRD_SERVER=/s/no/yes/ -i /etc/default/firebird2.5
> Is this the recommended way to do it?
First this more a Debian problem than a Firebird problem

Second it seems that it solved :

> Next, I will have to create a new empty database which tests runner
> will connect to, using required connection string,
> and run tests against the database.
> What's the recommended way to create a database non-interactively?
isql with a sql script

in that script you can write :

> Ideally, if no password is required, and tests runner can connect
> in non-interactive way.
password is required, but you can provide a password from a text file

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