I'm just getting started with FB using the .NET interface. This connect string works just fine:
private string ConnectionStringFireBird = "User ID=sysdba;Password=masterkey;Database=localhost:C:\\MYLOG.FDB;DataSource=localhost;Charset=NONE;"; But if I copy the MYLOG.FDB file to a mapped network drive and substitute Z: for C: in the oonnect string above, I get a message "unavailable database". This remote drive is on a different PC and that PC does NOT have FB installed. As a second experiment, I copied the FDB file to another PC which has the FB server running on it and I could connect nicely by prefacing the file with the IP address of the remote PC. So I gather that the FDB file must be on a machine where FB server is running. But this confuses me a bit because my mapped Z drive was logically part of my PC. What would happen if I had a local hard drive partitioned into C and D, and I put the FDB file on the D drive. Thanks in advance for any light you might shed. Best Harry