On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:02:45PM -0000, jorgebj wrote:

> I had Firebird 2.1 and I stopped with: ./fbmgr.bin
> > -shut -password masterkey
> Now I think it does not exist fbmgr in Firebird version 2.5
> How do you stop/start firebird 2.5 on Linux Ubuntu?

I can't say for Ubuntu as I use Debian on my Linux-based servers, but
since Ubuntu most possibly just pulls Firebird packages from Debian, my
response has a good chance to apply to your case.

The idea is that the "classic" server (one process per client
connection) is run through the daemon called "inetd" (or "xinetd" --
different implementations exists and are packaged).  This daemon opens
the specified TCP port and listens for connections.  After completing a
successful connection it spawns the program configured to run on that
port and agganges to that the program communicates through that
connection (maintained by inetd).  You can see configuration snippets
packaged for inetd daemon in [1] -- look for pathnames starting with
"/etc/init.d" and "/etc/xinet.d".  So basically after installing a
classic server you should go and check this port (3050 or gds_db) is
enabled (uncommented) in the inetd configuration; uncomment it and
reload the inetd daemon if it isn't.

The "superver" which uses OS threads hosted in a single process to
handle client sessions runs just that single process and manages TCP
connections by itself, so it's itself a daemon.  Consequently, it's
startup and shutdown is managed its own init-script, you can find it in
[2] -- look for the pathname starting from "/etc/init.d".

1. http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/firebird2.1-classic/filelist
2. http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/firebird2.0-super/filelist

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