
On 02/05/2013 10:47, dice_in_trouble wrote:
> Thanks Nrom for the reply. I also thought of this idea, wherein I make 
> a separate table for the balance then link it up to the other 2 
> tables. But I don't know how to make table relations. I am using 
> flamerobin to build up my firebird database. Can you give me a simple 
> example of making a relationship between 3 tables?
You would use "alter table" for this, not sure how one uses this in 
flamerobin as I don't use it to generate my databases (I use 
Python/SQLAlchemy and after I designed my ORM declarative classes 
SQLAlchemy does the creation for me.

Sometimes I do it manually for testing something then I use IBExpert 
(just because I new it before flamerobin), it has an option "create 
foreign key" which then walks you through the process.

I am no expert but to me your question makes me think that you might 
need to read up a bit more about databases, SQL and Firebird, you should 
be able to find tutorials with a  google search.

Obviously the FB documentation is also not to be forgotten.


Maybe invest in the Firebird Book, e.g. the second Edition


The Firebird Book (Second Edition) is now available as a print on demand 
book (at createspace) in three parts,

Volume 1: `Firebird Fundamentals

Volume 2: `Developing with Firebird Data

Volume 3: `Administering Firebird Servers and Databases




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