> Could I ask how you have implemented the recursion - i.e. in the
> client, using a CTE or with a stored procedure?

In  this  particular  case  I   am  not using a recursion in SQL.

I  have another scenario where sales items are grouped and the groups'
hierarchy  can  be  changed  dynamically by many concurrent users, and
there  I  have  used  stored procedure   in   FB   to  find  all items
belonging to all n levels of subgroups of a certain group.

Anyway   I   do  favour fetching only those records the user currently
can   process,  or is effectively looking at.  Just  received  Helen's
new    book   and   the  first  page  I  opened  (464  in Vol. 2) says
something  about  "who can  process 200.000 rows at once anyway?".
Exactly  what I am trying to tell all my old dBase companions, but now
that Helen writes it they'll probably start believing me :-)

I   am   using   nested  "foreach..."  loops in C#/ADO.net to open all
sub-items  of any given  parent  item. I am sure that Delphi/C++ et al
will have the same options.
This  virtually  means I have one query sent to the FB server for each
hierarchy   level,   constrained  to  paragraphs  having  the  current
paragraph as parent (WHERE IDParent = :IDThisParagraph...).

The  TreeItems/Nodes  have  a custom property "IDParagraph", and so in
the  adjacent  "Details"  screen  I  can  load  all  details  for  one
paragraph,  move  it up and down the hierarchy, delete, modify it, add
new paragraphs etc.
I  keep a local storage for details already fetched from the database,
so  they  won't  be  fetched  again  unless  they have been changed by
another user.

I don't exactly know, by the way, what a CTE is.
Something  similar  as  a  VIEW  in  Firebird, I guess. If you need to
implement  as  much  as possible in SQL, it is probably a good idea to
check Global Temp Tables in FB 2.x upwards.

> The reason for asking is that AFAIK the ordering in the result set
> (from a CTE at least) is not defined. Therefore you could end up with:

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