Dear Mark,
Thanks a lot for your quick answer. I suspected this, specially because the 
column rdb$system_flag is different of 0 (zero). But as I don't know deeply the 
bd structure (the system tables), I asked this for to know if this case could 
mean useless triggers, and then this could mean trash for the db. I understood 
your information very clearly and I thank you a lot for that.
My best wishes for you,
Roberto Camargo.

From: Mark Rotteveel <>
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] about system table RDB$TRIGGERS

On 15-6-2013 15:20, Tupy... nambá wrote:
> Dear friends,
> Opening the table RDB$TRIGGERS, I saw many rows where the column 
> RDB$TRIGGER_SOURCE is empty (null or an empty string). And the related tables 
> doesn´t present these triggers.
> I ask you:
> -Are these rows at RDB$TRIGGERS useless ?
> -May I delete these rows ?
> -If I delete these rows, may I cause some any kind of trouble to my database 
> ? Will this delection be helpful for the DB ? This way, will this delection 
> affect the DB operation in any way, positive or negatively ?

Never, ever directly manipulate the system tables. Most of those 
triggers are system triggers which are important for the correct working 
of the Firebird database. A new Firebird database has 35 system triggers 
which have no source (because they weren't declared using SQL).

The RDB$TRIGGER_SOURCE is just informational, the actual (compiled) 
trigger is stored in RDB$TRIGGER_BLR.

So no, don't delete them, you will ruin your database.

Mark Rotteveel



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