On Fri, 26 Jul 2013 09:50:43 +0100, Alan J Davies
<alan.dav...@aldis-systems.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi all, I have a number of sps similar to this. Basically, I update, 
> insert or delete according to the parameter "actiontype" Then according 
> to the parameter "tgp" I use the q_tool table, the q_gauge table or the 
> q_ppap table. Everything else is identical and basically I want one set 
> of actions with the table name as a parameter (if I explain that 
> correctly) along these lines just for the first option:
> create or alter procedure q_upd_tool_gauge_ppap_test (
>      pjs_no integer,
>      tgp_no integer,
>      del_date date,
>      tgp char(1),
>      actiontype integer)
> as
> declare variable s varchar(100);
> begin
> s='update q_tool';
>      if (TGP='T') then
>      begin
>          if (:actiontype=1) then  /* Update */
>          begin
>              execute statement  (:s)  /* q_tool */
>              (     tgp_no:=:tgp_no,del_date:=:del_date);
>             where   pjs_no=:pjs_no);
>          end

The statement to be passed to EXECUTE STATEMENT needs to be the entire
statement (optionally with parametrized *values*). You are currently trying
to pass a statement 'update q_tool', which is not valid (it is missing a
'SET'-clause, and you are trying to add a `WHERE`-clause to EXECUTE
STATEMENT itself, which is not possible.

What you need to do is roughly:

s = 'update q_tool set tgp_no = :tgp_no, del_date = :del_date where pjs_no
= :pjs_no'
EXECUTE STATEMENT (s) (tgp_no := tgp_no, del_date := del_date, pjs_no :=


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