I  don't know if my approach is a good approach, but it is good enough
for  me:  I  keep a separate database for that purpose, to make use of
the different access patterns.

Like   you  say, in comparison with the "current" main database, there
is  much  less  access  to these tables. And what is left usually is a
read-only  access  as  well.  Records  never  get  deleted,  never get
updated, only inserted, and I can't remember even one transaction that
needed to be rolled back.

I  have more information for each record, though (WHEN was it replaced
by a new version, WHO replaced it, and WHY has it been replaced)

I  have  different  strategies  for moving the records from CURRENT to
HISTORY. If the overall process does not take too long, I move them at
once.  If  history records must be created because of batch updates, I
only  tag  them,  and  the  moving  is  done  as  part  of a scheduled

> Hi,

>      it is common in some business rules that a table has a companion 
> table of historic records. The historic table has the same structure 
> than the active records table, but is less accessed than the active 
> table. On the other hand, the historic table grows steadly, ending up 
> with far more records than the active one ( records deleted from the 
> active table go to the historic one ).

>      My question is the following: should both tables be merged into a
> single table, with an additional field marking historic records ? Will
> the queries on this table be slower than having them separated ?

>      I know that an index taking into account that additional field 
> would speed up the queries but, on the other hand, such an index would
> be a very poorly selective one, because the additional field would only
> have two values ( 0 and 1 ) like any boolean field.

> Thanks for any advice.
> Aldo

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mit freundlichen Grüßen,

André Knappstein
EDV und Controlling
beta Eigenheim- und Grundstücksverwertungsgesellschaft mbH
Hafenweg 4
59192 Bergkamen-Rünthe

Telefon: +49 2389 9240 140
Telefax: +49 2389 9240 150

Amtsgericht Hamm Nr. B 420
Geschäftsführer: Achim Krähling, Dirk Salewski und Matthias Steinhaus

USt-IDNr.: DE 125215402

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