Le 26/11/2013 07:37, ggoo...@yahoo.com a écrit :

>   I am trying to access a firebird 1.5.3 database remotely from python using 
> pyfirebirdsql. (access from Ubuntu precise 64 bit to Firebird running on 
> Windows)
>   I can connect to the database locally using a username/password with a 
> defined role (using FlameRobin) but the connection string for pyfirebirdsql 
> doesn’t seem to allow a role to be defined so that I can use this same 
> username. Have I missed something?
something like :
firebirdsql.connect(dsn='host:/path/database.db', user='limited_user',
    password='pass', role='MORE_POWERFUL_ROLE')

should work

but it seems that the code don't use role :

you should report it here https://github.com/nakagami/pyfirebirdsql or 
better propose a patch

>   I have tried to install KinterbaseDB but it needs Firebird client installed 
> and I couldn’t get all the relevant dependencies for Firebird 1.5 to install 
> properly on my Ubuntu system so gave up on that option.
KInterbasDB is obsolete
use fdb

>   If I only want read access will fdb work or is there some other option I 
> have missed?
fdb need firebird client
but it will work

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