We use Firebird embedded in our application on MacOS. Now we're trying to run 
our application sandboxed and running into some trouble, with locking mostly. 
Does anyone have this working and could offer some suggestions? 
We're using the classic server 2.5, extracted from the released 2.5.2 framework 
and embedded in our application using a process pretty similar to what's 
described at 
http://paulbeachsblog.blogspot.fr/2012/09/firebird-embedded-on-macosx.html . 
This works for our non-sandboxed app deployments. 
When we run sandboxed, connecting to the database fails with an error -902 and 
the text "lock manager error". FIREBIRD_TMP and FIREBIRD_LOCK environment 
variables are pointed to our sandboxed temporary location in /var/folders and I 
do see fb_init, fb_lock_* and fb_sem files created in there, as well as the 
The log shows: 
plmac-lion      Thu Dec  5 17:11:53 2013 
        ib_util init failed, UDFs can't be used - looks like firebird 
        ib_util_init not found in 
 library has not been found 
 library has not been found 
        libib_util.dylib library has not been found 
plmac-lion      Thu Dec  5 17:11:54 2013 
        operating system directive semctl failed 
        Operation not permitted 
plmac-lion      Thu Dec  5 17:11:54 2013 
 Support/Rising Software/data4/rising4.fdb 
        lock manager error 
(I can fix the libib_util.dylib error but it doesn't affect the locking.) 
I presume it's the semctl failure that's the root problem here. I tried to 
trace this with the Apple Instruments tool but couldn't see semctl calls in 
that tool. 
The Apple sandboxing guidelines say that System V semaphores are specifically 
disallowed. Is this the type that Firebird uses? 
POSIX semaphores and other IPC are allowed if you have an application group 
directory, which I listed in my sandbox entitlements file, created and tried to 
use as FIREBIRD_TMP/FIREBIRD_LOCK, and even as the location for the db, but 
none of that changed the behaviour for me. 

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