Thanks J


[] Im Auftrag von Tim Ward
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Januar 2014 10:37
Betreff: Re: [firebird-support] iif and coalesce



There is an answer to this sort of thing because I had some code that used
to do something like it.

However the resulting performance was pretty awful. I ended up generating
different SQL for the two cases and running the result with EXECUTE

On 14/01/2014 09:33, checkmail wrote:




I would like to use dynamic conditions without an statement like:


Condition customer can be 0 (all costomers) or inherits a number of a


This doesn't work: select * from table where iif(:input_customer_id <>
0;'customer_id = ' || :input_customer_id,'')


I can set the input_customer_id to null when its value = 0, perhaps can I
realize this with coalesce?


Where customer_id = coalesce(:input_customer_id;'.') But I can't set = and >
0 at the same time or = coalesce(..) and not null.


How can I finish my plan? Also I don't like to set some if-statements. if
input = 0 etc., there many inputs.


Thank you.


Best regards.





Tim Ward

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