Hi Alan,

> I notice that it is now possible to connect to a database via the embedded
> server and simultaneously connect via other embedded processes to the same
> database file. This was not possible in previous version - the second
> process would be locked out.
> Can someone lead me to an explanation of how these multiple connections are
> managed? Which embedded server will coordinate updates and modifications to
> the database?
> It appears that updates from one process are visible to the other(s) but I'm
> not sure how the second would know if a transaction is being managedin the
> first - is there a lock file being written to somewhere that I can't find?
> (WIN32) V2.5

>From the 2.5 Quick Start Guide:

"Windows Embedded now contains a SuperClassic instead of a SuperServer engine.
 File locks are shared, so a database can be accessed by one or more Embedded
 servers and a regular Classic or SuperClassic server at the same time.
 Consult the Firebird 2.5 Release Notes for full details."

Paul Vinkenoog

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