
I have the following trigger which doesn't work for me, i.e. the columns 
in winerackit are never updated by it.

In my current test case the 'fk_winerackit_id' column is set to "Null", 
so I would expect this trigger to fire and set the 'usedcapacity' column 
to '0' as it was '1' before the update to the bottag table.

I must do something really stupid.  Any hints on how I could debug this, 
e.g. tutorial on how to write values to some log table would be very 


CREATE OR ALTER trigger bottag_biud0 for bottag
active after insert or update or delete position 0
   declare variable oldid bigint;
   declare variable newid bigint;
   declare variable curcap integer;
   declare variable oldcap integer;
   declare variable newcap integer;
   curcap = 0;
   oldcap = 0;
   newcap = 0;
   /* if it was assigned to rack */
   if (old.fk_winerackit_id is not Null) then
      select id, usedcapacity from winerackit wi
        where wi.id = old.fk_winerackit_id
        into :oldid, :curcap;
      oldcap = :curcap-1;

   /* if it is newly assigned to rack */
   if (new.fk_winerackit_id is not Null) then
      select id, usedcapacity from winerackit wi
        where wi.id = new.fk_winerackit_id
        into :newid, :curcap;
      newcap = :curcap+1;

   if (:oldid is not Null) then
      update winerackit set usedcapacity=:oldcap
         where winerackit.id = :oldid;
   if (:newid is not Null) then
      update winerackit set usedcapacity=:newcap
         where winerackit.id = :newid;

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