> On Feb 24, 2014, at 7:24 AM, Kjell Rilbe <kjell.ri...@datadia.se
> database file appears corrupt (D:\DATADIA\DATA\FIREBIRD\BACKUP\DIAMONDS.FDB)
> -wrong page type
> -page 12301932 is of wrong type (expected 4, found 7)
Alas, not a great situation.  Page type 4 is a pointer page - an array of data 
page numbers that's one level of indirection in resolving record locations.  
Page type 7 is ani index page.  Fortunately, pointer pages can be reconstructed 
from the rest of the database structure.  I think that the free version of 
IBFirstAid will tell you which table is missing a pointer page.  From there, 
the paid version should be able to fix the problem.

Good luck,


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