Session login is is unique between logins, but will be reused by the same user. 
 I've no doubt that there are two attempts to update the same record.  That is 
because session login is used to validate the user has permission to write the 
record they are attempting to.  In the scenario described, the user will be 
iterating through a javascript object on the client browser answering a series 
of questions.  When they answer, that answer will be persisted to the Db,  

 I'm using FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient, which used the ADO.NET Data 
Provider.  I don't specify the transaction object which according to my 
understanding I would then be using the implicit transaction and the default 
isolation level.  I do not explicitly commit the transaction in code nor in the 
procedure, as I was under the impression that the implicit transaction would do 

 Dixon Epperson

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