Please help my understand what will happen in the following cases involving 
transactions. System: Delphi XE2, Firebird 2,5x, Using DBX components.  
Isolation level: ReadCommitted.


 The actual statements are much more complex and involves various statements in 
the transaction and/or triggers that updates/insert into up to 8 tables.

 Case 1
 App 1 starts a transaction (T1) and in an After Insert trigger for MasterTable 
do something like:

 Update TableSub set X = X + MasterTable.X where Y=Y.MasterTable
 Before App1 commits, App2 starts a transtaction (T2) and  does the same 
statement.  Then App1 commits(T1) and then App2 commits(T2).  
 Will this result in a deadlock or will T1 "run" and then T2 or will X.old in 
both transaction have the same value?

 Case 2
 Same case as above but the trigger use X = GEN_ID(Generator1,1).  
 Will X be, for example 10, in T1 and 11 in T2, or will it result in a 
deadlock, or will X be 10 in both transactions?

 Any information will be appreciated and even more so hints as on how to handle 
this.  I would like T1 to start and run to completion and then T2 taking into 
account what happen in T1.

 Kind Regards


 Cornie van Schoor
 InfoStar Software
 South Africa




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