Oopps wrong list.  Please ignore :)

On 2/05/2014 5:05 p.m., Robert martin wrote:
> Hi
> I have some views that are UNIONS of two identical (asside from name)
> tables. I have noticed that some of these views have stopped
> functioning. Running a select on them returns no results (TIBOQuery) if
> I browse the data (from IB_UtilitiyBar) selecting the view displays a
> string or numeric overflow error.
> Running a select on the view in FlameRobin correctly returns results.
> Running the views source query in IBOQuery works fine to.
> I suspect it is something to do with the logic used to determine the
> resulting field sizes from a view not correctly handling UTF8. It is
> data sensitive and I guess it only fails where stored data nears the
> field limit. The views work on some of my datasets :)
> I'm off home for the weekend soon so won't be able to reply for a while.
> Cheers
> Rob

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