Hi Karol,

what Windows 2008 memory problem are You refering to that needs 2.5.3?



2014-05-13 7:23 GMT+02:00 'liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl'
liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support] <

> Hi,
> Your database is not big but your settings are low. Change your FB server
> to 64bit and increase your dbbuffer or in fbconfig defaultdbcasche setting
> and use superserver. Check your database data page size. I always set it to
> 16KB. Your database utylize memory in this pattern:
> Dbpage size * dbbuffers
> Or if dbbuffer is 0
> Db page size * defaultdbcachepages
> You must add to this sort buffer for any connection.
> You should also download shnapshot of firebird 2.5.3.xxx to fix windows
> 2008 memory problem
> Regards,
> Karol Bieniasxewski
> Wysłane z mojego HTC
> ----- Reply message -----
> Od: "Joshua Hartmann jhartm...@computekdental.com [firebird-support]" <
> firebird-support@yahoogroups.com>
> Do: <firebird-support@yahoogroups.com>
> Temat: [firebird-support] Cache Performance Options
> Data: pon., maj 12, 2014 21:32
> I am a MSP for a large dental office that uses an application with a
> Firebird DB. I've done a lot of database work in my life, but none with
> firebird so I need a little help with the configurations. The office is
> complaining of slowness and what we've done so far to help them will be
> below. Keep in mind, I am not the developer of the application, just a MSP
> trying to help them out since the developer has no clue what they're doing.
> The server is QEMU/KVM virtual server running Microsoft Server 2008 R2.
> The host machine is running Ubuntu Server 12.04.
> Xeon 1275
> 4 cores allocated to the virtual server
> 12GB memory allocated to the virtual server (32GB total on the host
> machine)
> 750GB Momentus Hybrid SSD/HDD's (RAID 0+1 1.5TB total usable)
> The database is ~30GB
> At first, they were running in classic server mode (FB version 2.1.3 x86)
> on a physical server 2003 machine with 4GB of memory. That machine's HDD's
> started to fail so we just moved it to the new virtual 2008 server.
> We let the software company do the install and they set it to classic mode
> (version 2.1.3 x86) but left all options at default. We noticed the server
> would start pretty fast but then throughout the day slow down. When
> checking the system's resources, I noticed it was maxing out on RAM and
> moving to the page file which explained the slowness. However, task manager
> did not display that memory was actually being used by the fbserver.exe
> processes.
> I asked the developer to switch it to superserver because I read its
> better for shared cache and since all the clients are accessing the same
> data (appointment lists, patient lists, etc) I thought it would speed
> things up. It didn't change the memory usage and fbserver.exe still only
> reported using about 60MB.
> So I started reading through articles online and found a bunch of
> optimization and cache settings. I changed the database options for async,
> set page buffers at 60k, and turned off auto sweeping. I also changed the
> firebird.conf settings. Specifically, the MaxFileSystemCache. None of it
> made any difference.
> Next, I upgraded to 2.5.2 (still x86) and its made a little difference. I
> still notice the fbserver using quite a bit of disk IO though and its still
> not very fast.
> I guess my questions are:
> In my situation, should I be using all file system cache or firebird
> cache? Essentially, what should I set my page buffers and
> FileSystemCacheThreshole to? I've already set my FileSystemCache to 90%.
> Should I enable or disable async?
> Should I enable auto sweeping or not?
> Would performance be faster if we upgraded to the 64bit version of 2.5.2?
> Thanks for any advice you can give.
> -Josh
  • ... 'liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl' liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
    • ... Zsazsi m-zs...@freemail.hu [firebird-support]
    • ... Joshua Hartmann jhartm...@computekdental.com [firebird-support]
    • ... 'liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl' liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
      • ... Zsazsi m-zs...@freemail.hu [firebird-support]

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