>create or alter procedure my_SP1 (
>     index_by integer) /* the order I want */ returns (
>       myfield1_out char(15),
>       myfield2_out char(15))
>   for select
>       myfield1,myfield2
>   from        mytable
>   case
>       when index_by=1
>       then order by myfield1,myfield2 
>       when index_by=2
>       then order by myfield2,myfield1
>   end 
>   into :myfield1_out,:myfield2_out
>   do
>       suspend;

OK Alan, I don't quite understand why you want the order by in the stored 
procedure itself, the standard way to do what you want would be to have:

create or alter procedure my_SP1
returns (
        myfield1_out char(15),
        myfield2_out char(15))
   for select
   from mytable
   into :myfield1_out,:myfield2_out

And then have the ORDER BY in the call to the stored procedure, i.e.

SELECT myfield1_out, my_field2_out
from my_SP1()
order by myfield1_out, my_field2_out


SELECT myfield1_out, my_field2_out
from my_SP1()
order by my_field2_out, myfield1_out

However, if the field definition for myfield1 and myfield2 is identical (or at 
least similar), I think it should be possible to get what you say you want (I 
haven't actually tried ORDER BY in a SP, but expect it to work):

create or alter procedure my_SP1 (
     index_by integer) /* the order Alan wants */ returns (
        myfield1_out char(15),
        myfield2_out char(15))
   for with tmp (OrderBy1, OrderBy2, myfield1, myfield2) as
       /* IIF is just a shortcut for CASE */
       (select iif(index_by = 1, myfield1, myfield2), iif(index_by = 1, 
myfield2, myfield1), myfield1, myfield2 
        from mytable)
   select myfield1, myfield2 
   from tmp
   order by OrderBy1, OrderBy2
   into :myfield1_out,:myfield2_out

If myfield1 was an integer and myfield2 a character field, this would probably 
have unexpected results since I would expect both Orderby1 and Orderby2 to be 
translated to a character field before the sorting.

  • ... Malcolm Gray malcolm.gr...@yahoo.com [firebird-support]
    • ... Dmitry Yemanov dim...@users.sourceforge.net [firebird-support]
      • ... Alan J Davies alan.dav...@aldis-systems.co.uk [firebird-support]
        • ... Svein Erling Tysvær svein.erling.tysv...@kreftregisteret.no [firebird-support]
          • ... Alan J Davies alan.dav...@aldis-systems.co.uk [firebird-support]
          • ... 'Softtech Support' stwiz...@att.net [firebird-support]
            • ... 'Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions)' m.ton...@upscene.com [firebird-support]
              • ... 'Softtech Support' stwiz...@att.net [firebird-support]
                • ... 'Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions)' m.ton...@upscene.com [firebird-support]
            • ... Tim Ward t...@telensa.com [firebird-support]
            • ... Svein Erling Tysvær svein.erling.tysv...@kreftregisteret.no [firebird-support]
              • ... 'Softtech Support' stwiz...@att.net [firebird-support]

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