On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:01:27 +0100, "'checkmail' check_m...@satron.de
[firebird-support]" <firebird-support@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Now I would like to make an analysis. At the time, I do this:
> for select cast(ts as date) as mz from tablea where ts >= "criteria
> and ts < "criteria to"
>     group by mz)
>     into :messzeit do
>     begin
>       f_messwert = null;
>       MESSWERTE = '';
>       for select a.id_counter, sum(a.value) from tableb a left join
>       b
> on a.id_timestamp = b.id
>       where cast(b.ts as date) = :messzeit
>       group by a.id_counter
>       into :i_zae, :f_messwert do
>       begin
>         if(f_messwert is null) then f_messwert = 0;
>         MESSWERTE = MESSWERTE || cast(:i_zae as varchar(4)) || '=' ||
> cast(:f_messwert as varchar(8)) || ';';
>       end
>       suspend;
>     end
> The Result is one returned record for each day (day, conter 1 = 123;
> counter
> 2 = 222;.)
> It takes a long time but I must integrate the tablea on the second part
> the statement. How can I optimize this in firebird?

That is not surprising. You are executing a query and for each row you are
executing another query. Use joins and/or subqueries instead.

  • ... 'checkmail' check_m...@satron.de [firebird-support]
    • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
      • ... 'checkmail' check_m...@satron.de [firebird-support]
    • ... Svein Erling Tysvær svein.erling.tysv...@kreftregisteret.no [firebird-support]
      • ... 'Carlos H. Cantu' lis...@warmboot.com.br [firebird-support]

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