Dear All,

I face the problem of accessing/repairing damaged fdb file that (probably) 
comes from firebird embedded server (dated abt. 2004, I don't know how to 
find accurate version number, Windows app). The damage comes from lack of 
hdd space and it seems that the file has an I/O error, unexpected end of 
file. This prevents to run an app that bases on it that is a Polish 
accounting/warehouse application (EWAN System).

When I try to connect to it using Maestro, I get engine error 335544745 
"Your login SYSDBA is same as one of the SQL role name. Ask your database 
administrator to set up a valid Firebird login". I can't say whether this 
comes due to the file damage or this is the way how embedded server should 
behave. I tried to connect to this file also by setting up Firebird Server 
and to use gfix/gsec, but also without success.

Have you got any suggestions how to try to access/fix that file? I am not a 
Firebird expert, so I may have missed something (but I studied a lot of docs 
how to try to fix my problem).

  • [firebird-support... 'Radek Midoch' [firebird-support]

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