its not always at same insert statement....hang insert statement varies 

     On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 12:27 PM, SUKHEN DASS 
<> wrote:

 its a window base app using i will definitely try your suggestion 

     On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 11:48 AM, "'' [firebird-support]" 
<> wrote:


1. Is this VB exe or web?
2. Save all insert statement parameters to tabbed csv and you will see at what 
statment it stop. If this is always at the same statement, then compare it e.g. 
in excel withprevious statements.

Karol Bieniaszewski

----- Reply message -----
Od: "SUKHEN DASS [firebird-support]" 
Do: "" <>
Temat: [firebird-support] Re: Is there still a difference between sweep and 
gabage collection?
Data: wt., lut 24, 2015 14:42

   thanks as you suggested i have check with all the possibilities but never 
got suceess.Let me tell you more what i have tried before post.....1.Regular 
way as i have mentioned in the thread.2.Commenting out the update, only run 
insert still hang in Insert Statement.3.Commenting out the procedure which 
check update to be done or not but same problem hang in Insert 
Statement4.Commenting out all procedures only except insert statement still 

     On Tuesday, February 24, 2015 5:49 PM, "Ann Harrison [firebird-support]" <> 

On Feb 23, 2015, at 1:06 AM, SUKHEN DASS 
[firebird-support] <> wrote:

I am using which has a grid of 100,000 records and 30 columns have to 
insert in a firebird table. / div>

First, you've hijacked a thread, which is not considered polite on this very 
traditional email list.

The insertion will take place if product id does not exist else record to be 

Right - and I'm assuming you've got more than one thread working at a time.

But inside the loop while executing ExecuteNonQuery control does not come back 
wait for 10 hours still not came and no error message and it happens on random 
rows not always for the same recrod

OK.  What's happening is that one thread has updated the record and gone off to 
do something else or gone to sleep.  It's really important that you commit your 
transaction after updating a record unless there's more than one record that 
must be updated to make the database logically consistent.

I am struck past 7 days i am working googled but no solution Finally i decided 
to firebird support team

You've come to the right place.  What you should do is commit after each record 
insert/update and probably choose the "no wa it" transaction option.  What's 
happening is that one thread is updating record A without committing the update 
then another thread is trying update the same record.  Because there's an 
uncommitted update, the second update waits, hoping the first will fail and it 
can succeed.  But its hopes are in vain.  The first thread continues on its 
merry way, ignoring the trail of uncommitted changes it leaves in its path and 
the other threads, waiting for it to end.

My project is getting delayed please, help

Read some more about transaction semantics, or just get in the habit of 
commiting after each set of changes that leave the database consistent.
Good luck,


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