>look at this sample
>  A varchar(20),
>  B varchar(20),
>  C varchar(20),
>  D varchar(20),
>  E varchar(20)
>INSERT INTO XXX (A, B, C, D, E) VALUES ('EEE', '333', 'sdfs', 'asdas', NULL);
>INSERT INTO XXX (A, B, C, D, E) VALUES ('EEE', '333', NULL, 'asdas', NULL);
>INSERT INTO XXX (A, B, C, D, E) VALUES ('ttt', '444', NULL, 'asdas', '555');
>SELECT case
>  when A is not null
>   and B is not  null
>   and C is not  null
>   and D is not  null
>   and E is not  null
>     then 0 else 1
>end as scol,X.A, X.B, X.C, X.D, X.E
>Order By scol, X.A Asc Nulls Last, X.B Asc Nulls Last, X.C Asc Nulls Last, X.D 
>Asc Nulls Last, X.E Asc Nulls Last
>and result of this query
>AAA    BBB    [null]    CCC    DDD
>VVV    [null]    CCC    EEE    [null]
>EEE    333    sdfs    asdas    [null]
>EEE    333    [null]    asdas    [null]
>ttt    444    [null]    asdas    555

Actually, Karol, since all your rows contain at least one NULL, I'd say the 
result of your query would be identical to the result if there were no scol 
column (providing a case insensitive collation was used and we're thinking 
English alphabet):

1    AAA    BBB    [null]    CCC    DDD
1    EEE    333    sdfs    asdas    [null]
1    EEE    333    [null]    asdas    [null]
1    ttt    444    [null]    asdas    555
1    VVV    [null]    CCC    EEE    [null]

Generally, the above select is sensible if the only idea is to put rows 
containing one or more nulls below rows that contain values in all rows. 
However, if the idea is to put the rows with the most nulls furthermost down, I 
would rather recommend:

SELECT iif(A is null, 1, 0)+iif(B is null, 1, 0)+iif(C is null, 1, 0)+iif(D is 
null, 1, 0)+iif(E is null, 1, 0) as scol, A, B, C, D, E
Order By 1, A Asc Nulls Last, B Asc Nulls Last, C Asc Nulls Last, D Asc Nulls 
Last, E Asc Nulls Last

with your example, that would yield this result:

1    AAA    BBB    [null]    CCC    DDD
1    EEE    333    sdfs    asdas    [null]
1    ttt    444    [null]    asdas    555
2    EEE    333    [null]    asdas    [null]
2    VVV    [null]    CCC    EEE    [null]


1    ttt    444    [null]    asdas    555

with its one null would come before

2    EEE    333    [null]    asdas    [null]

since it has two nulls. One thing it doesn't cater for, is if row with early 
null column should be ordered before row with later null column (imagine ttt 
changing to BBB, then that would be ordered before EEE despite EEE having null 
in E whereas BBB would have the null in C. It should be feasible to do this if 
desired, I guess it could be as simple as changing to

SELECT iif(A is null, 1, 0)+iif(B is null, 1, 0)+iif(C is null, 1, 0)+iif(D is 
null, 1, 0)+iif(E is null, 1, 0) as scol, 
       iif(A is null, 16, 0)+iif(B is null, 8, 0)+iif(C is null, 4, 0)+iif(D is 
null, 2, 0)+iif(E is null, 1, 0) as scol2,
       A, B, C, D, E
Order By 1, 2, A, B, C, D, E

The main thing is of course that Vishal found a solution that he finds 
satisfactory, it doesn't matter whether it was here or somewhere else he found 
it (though I do admit it was a bit frustrating with a problem description that 
didn't explain what result he got and how that differed from what he wanted, 
making it almost impossible for us to give him a useful answer).

  • ... 'liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl' liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
    • ... Vishal Tiwari vishuals...@yahoo.co.in [firebird-support]
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        • ... Svein Erling Tysvær svein.erling.tysv...@kreftregisteret.no [firebird-support]
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