Hi Alexey,

No, we do not use the firebird plugin for nagios, and we don't check for as
many things that you mention!

We are doing basic server checks and then just making sure the DB can be
connected to.  Each night we make sure the restores worked fine and the
database contains some of the expected metadata and data.


On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Alexey Kovyazin a...@ib-aid.com
[firebird-support] <firebird-support@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> What kind of monitoring are you doing with Nagios?
> Do you mean this plugin?
> http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/Databases/check_firebird-2Epy/details
> Normally, Firebird monitoring should include:
> 1) Transactions monitoring, including long-running and stuck transactions
> 2) # of simultaneous connections, statements, transactions, and associated
> counters (memory, IO)
> 3) Temp files size and quantity
> 4) Lock table parameters monitoring
> 5) Firebird.log monitoring
> 6) Indices health monitoring: activated/non-activated, non-restored
> 7) Database files size monitoring, including delta files in case of
> nbackup lock
> and some others.
> Regards,
> Alexey Kovyazin
> IBSurgeon
> www.ib-aid.com
> Hi Mirco,
> We have written multiple java EE web applications with Firebird on linux
> as the database.  Usually we will use Glassfish (or Payara) as the app
> server and run Firebird in classic or superclassic form.  We will usually
> use Nagios to monitor the servers and databases.
> My only complaint is that sometimes we can get the lock manager bogged
> down when we are really pounding a database with a large amount of small
> transactions.  Otherwise we are overall pretty happy.
> Good luck!
> -steve
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 2:42 PM, mirco.malag...@ingeniaonline.it
> [firebird-support] < <firebird-support@yahoogroups.com>
> firebird-support@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>> Hi all here,
>> I want to ask some question about using Firebird in a production
>> environment for a web application.
>> My experience is more then 12 years with Firebird for our client server
>> application and have to say is a very good experience.
>> Now that application is being ported to web by a complete rewrite.
>> From an architectural point the database is single instance and
>> multi-tenant, using logical tenant ids.
>> The application is a rather standard JavaEE one.
>> This means that all of our customers will have all their data together
>> and obviously my main concerns are reliability, availability, performance
>> and maintainability.
>> The application is mostly interactive in an OLTP fashion, with little or
>> no datawarehousing.
>> We expect to have a production database of more or less 200 GB in size.
>> The system will be Linux-based hosted somewhere by our provider.
>> We now have to choose between Firebird and other engines, so I have to
>> asses:
>> - tools available for effective remote monitoring, analysis, tuning and
>> troubleshooting
>>   I'm told that here standard names are nagios, cacti, SNMP and others
>> - experience by someone that had worked or is working on system of this
>> kind
>> My intention is to stay with Firebird because my experience is positive
>> and like to stay in an environment that take simplicity as a value, but I
>> want to do what will need to be done well, anyway.
>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
>> Mirco
  • [fire... mirco.malag...@ingeniaonline.it [firebird-support]
    • ... Steve Wiser st...@specializedbusinesssoftware.com [firebird-support]
      • ... Alexey Kovyazin a...@ib-aid.com [firebird-support]
        • ... Steve Wiser st...@specializedbusinesssoftware.com [firebird-support]
      • ... mirco.malag...@ingeniaonline.it [firebird-support]
        • ... Nagy Szilveszter nagy_szilvesz...@yahoo.com [firebird-support]
          • ... mirco.malag...@ingeniaonline.it [firebird-support]
            • ... Nagy Szilveszter nagy_szilvesz...@yahoo.com [firebird-support]
              • ... mirco.malag...@ingeniaonline.it [firebird-support]

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