On 23/02/2016 15:38, 'Zoran' zoran...@gmail.com [firebird-support] wrote:

23.02.2016 16:03, 'Zoran' zoran...@gmail.com [firebird-support] wrote:
>> Why would you use transaction for select statements?

> For data consistency. People like consistent data in reports.

If other clients are using transactions properly (when updating multiple
rows), database should be in a stable state.

In the following sequence:

- you do a SELECT
- some other transaction commits
- you do another SELECT
- you build a report with the results from the two SELECTs

you can get inconsistent results in your report unless your two SELECTs are in a transaction.

Using transactions when not needed (in my opinion - and I am no expert in
Firebird) just add an overhead to the server.

If the database designers have chosen that everything is always done in a transaction then that's how it works - there's no overhead because there's no concept of doing anything without a transaction.

Tim Ward

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      • RE: [fir... 'Zoran' zoran...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
        • Re: ... Dimitry Sibiryakov s...@ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]
          • ... 'Zoran' zoran...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
            • ... Tim Ward t...@telensa.com [firebird-support]
              • ... 'Zoran' zoran...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
                • ... liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
        • Re: ... Alexey Kovyazin a...@ib-aid.com [firebird-support]
          • ... 'Zoran' zoran...@gmail.com [firebird-support]

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