Hello, we have one customer using FreeBSD and Firebird 2.5.4

It works fine till this week when firebird crashes twice.

In Firebird.log i found this text

verbis Mon Sep  5 22:44:01 2016
 Operating system call semaphore.h: release: sem_post() failed. Error code 22
 verbis Mon Sep  5 22:44:01 2016
 SRVR_multi_thread: shutting down due to unhandled exception
 verbis Mon Sep  5 22:44:01 2016
 operating system directive semaphore.h: release: sem_post() failed
 Invalid argument
 verbis Mon Sep  5 22:44:01 2016
 SRVR_multi_thread: forcefully disconnecting a port
 verbis Mon Sep  5 22:44:01 2016
 Shutting down the server with 35 active connection(s) to 1 database(s), 0 
active service(s)
Then we update firebird to version 2.5.6 and i have no information about new 

Does anybody knows what happend ? What should we do to prevent this error in 

Thank you all, Tom

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