
  Our app uses Delphi, Win32. Currently our customers only use release
versions, most of which are One uses version 3.x.  All the
installations of firebird server use Superserver and may be installed on a
range of O/S, all windows, either 32 or 64bit. We only use Firebird 32bit.


This problem has been occurring sporadically for years. All the way back to
ver 1.5. It may occur 1 time a year or less, or several times a week over a
month or 2. Then disappear. I have never been able to pin it down, no matter
what test programs I wrote. I have posted it a couple of times on various
knowledge sites, but no clues have come back.


Here is the issue, consider the following logic:


done  =  false;

While not done






Done = true;








The logic is that straightforward. The InsertMyData inserts lines of an
invoice or any other customer transaction into ledgers, each identified by a
transaction number. The problem is that when the issue occurs, multiple
copies of the data end up in the database, which based on the above logic
should not be possible.


One customer who continuously suffers from this issue every month has a
single invoice inserted into the database 500+ times a few weeks back, this
is an exception as it normally only inserts a single duplicate. There was
apparently no delay on the computer on which the transaction was generated
(which was not the firebird server), which suggests that the sql was not
transmitted multiple times and maybe server corruption has occured. Writing
500 of our invoices would generate a massive amount of sql statements and
would take a number of minutes to send and process. The customer is quite
sure that there was no delay. This customer I tried upgrading to fb3.x,
still no improvement.


Some customers have it more than others. 1 such customer had it occurring
every other day for six months, then it stopped, now it has re-started. Some
customers have not experienced this for many years. When the problem is
'active' it may occur just a single time out of thousands of transactions.
Customers are all on the same version of our software. Gfix/gbak etc.. make
no difference. 


>From the exhaustive research into this problem I sort of narrowed it down to
2 potential causes, but they are impossible to prove.


1.      Server overload. 

a.      Client Writes Data. Server is busy.
b.      Server process request but is slow to ack the transaction.
c.      Client does not hear back from the server in timeout period so
issues a rollback and retries.


2.      Server corruption???


Just wondering if anyone has experienced this and can shed any light on
this? It's a really difficult one as it is totally random. 



Robert Harris.



  • [firebird-suppor... 'Robert Harris' rob...@zzyzxl.com [firebird-support]
    • Re: [firebi... Dimitry Sibiryakov s...@ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]
      • RE: [fi... 'Paul Beach' pbe...@mail.ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]

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