Thank you for your response.
Compared to you I'm just a beginner so I have other questions.

> i see no relation between such services and requirement to use 

I din't investigate it much but I think it is becuase the C programs it is 
historically written something like this:

int dbConnect()
        SET DATABASE DB = '/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/xxx.fdb';
        CONNECT DB USER 'xxx' PASSWORD 'xxx';

(Don't get confused by the "2.5" subdirectory, I did "gbak -r" to 3.0 
version but I put it in the old dir.)
I think that in this case the C programs access somehow more directly and 
they can't cooperate with SuperServer.
But I promise I'll lokk at it.

> Try to lower load on lock manager.
Please how? Make less connections?

> Switch to Super
Discussed above.

> or try to increase linger on security3.fdb(it is 60 sec by default).
Please how?
I guess I'll have to do it via isql and not by Flamerobin. (?)
How can I check how much is it right now?
(I've found some tip "gstat -h" which I use for sweeping monitor. But I can'
t see there any "linger".)
I've found some presentation that this "linger functionality" has effect 
whene there are no connections.
But I think that I have there new attachments almost every second. (?)

> If there was coredump produced by crash, you may provide us with 
backtraces of all stacks. 
How can I get this dump?
I've found some document from 2008 mentioning BugcheckAbort=1 in the 
That's it?


---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: [firebird-support] <firebird-support@>
Datum: 5. 12. 2017 10:15:00
Předmět: [firebird-support] Re: lock denied... 

---In, <ehmmm.firebird@...> wrote :

> last weekend we switched from FB 2.5.x to  FB V3.0.3.32796
> We have couple databases, the biggest has around 12 GB.
> About 100-200 clients are connecting to this DB via PHP approximately 
twice per minute to see some data.
> Some services on server are writing data into this DB.

> We are using FB in SuperClassic mode, because some services are written in
C and compiled via gpre/gcc.

  Hmm... i see no relation between such services and requirement to use 

Сould you try Super mode ? SuperClassic in FB3 is legacy and not recommended

> In firebird log I can see messages like this:
> z3  Sun Dec  3 01:43:15 2017
>         Database: /opt/firebird/security3.fdb
>         page 0, page type 1 lock denied (216)

> Could you please explain me, what do this messages mean?

  It looks like bug due to race condition when lock manager initialized 
shared memory while another 

instance (attachment) is deinitialized it (it is simplified and far from 
exact description). It could be 

something else - i need to reproduce the issue to make correct conclusion.

> How can I avoid them?

  Try to lower load on lock manager. Switch to Super, or try to increase 
linger on security3.fdb

(it is 60 sec by default).

> What shall I look at?

  If there was coredump produced by crash, you may provide us with 
backtraces of all stacks. 




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