

Not sure if this answers your question but I've had situations where I
needed a way to get column details and table ddl within our application. We
ended up creating a stored procedure that would return that information. 


The following linked helped me with understanding what needed to be done in
order to create that stored procedure.







From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com <firebird-support@yahoogroups.com> 
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 7:53 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] Show Columns



Using some system table queries, is there a view or stored procedure that 
can, in "full", replicate the output of "show columns from table" available 
from other servers?

Ideally this would be a "drop in" alternative to the "show columns" sql 
statement that returns the same data in the same structure.

There are a few examples I can draw from, including firebirdwebadmin, but I 
don't want to reinvent it if I don't have to.


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