Hi Bhavbhuti!

According to https://firebirdsql.org/refdocs/langrefupd15-case.html

this is how case is written:

CASE <expression>
   WHEN <exp1> THEN result1
   WHEN <exp2> THEN result2
   [ELSE defaultresult]

and definitely not

CASE <expression>
   WHEN <exp1> THEN comparison
   WHEN <exp2> THEN comparison2
   [ELSE defaultcomparison]

If you insist on using this construct, you have to modify to something like:
WHERE 1 = CASE WHEN TRIM(vwTA.cNameCity01) = 'Balance Sheet'
THEN case when CAST(tSI.tDt AS DATE) < '2018-04-01' then 1 else 0 end
ELSE case when CAST(tSI.tDt AS DATE) BETWEEN '2018-03-01' AND '2018-03-31'
then 1 else 0 END

but it is - of course - better to use things as they are intended to be
used, e.g. directly in the SQL like

WHERE CAST(tSI.tDt AS DATE) < '2018-04-01' AND
      (TRIM(vwTA.cNameCity01) = 'Balance Sheet' OR
       CAST(tSI.tDt AS DATE) BETWEEN '2018-03-01' AND '2018-03-31')

2018-06-19 10:25 GMT+02:00 venussof...@gmail.com [firebird-support] <

> Hi all
> I am trying to write a conditional WHERE clause but it fails.  Please
> suggest a correct way to write this
> WHERE CASE WHEN TRIM(vwTA.cNameCity01) = 'Balance Sheet'
> THEN CAST(tSI.tDt AS DATE) < '2018-04-01'
> ELSE CAST(tSI.tDt AS DATE) BETWEEN '2018-03-01' AND '2018-03-31' END
> vwTA and tSI are all joined into the query and the error I receive is
> Message: isc_dsql_prepare failed
> SQL Message : -104
> Invalid token
> Engine Code    : 335544569
> Engine Message :
> Dynamic SQL Error
> SQL error code = -104
> Token unknown - line 35, column 29
> <
> This is the < in the THEN clause
> Please advise
> Kind regards
> Bhavbhuti
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