
I am hoping someone can help me out with this.

We recently set up a VPS for use for a remote Firebird database to use 
in our desktop application for user authorization. The VPS is a Windows 
Server 2008. Initially, I loaded FB 3.0.3, both 64bit and 32 bit 
versions. The 32 bit for access by IBExperts.

I have added a couple of functions to the source code for FreeUDFLib.dll 
and recompiled that in Delphi 10.2 for both 32 and 64 bit. On my local 
machine those functions in FreeUDFLib.dll work fine. (F_STR2STR) They 
work fine also when testing on an older remote server that we have been 
using for FTP.

But when I try to do a SELECT F_STR2STR() on the VPS database, I am 
getting the error message:

"Invalid Token
Invalid request BLR at offset 60
Function F_STR2STR is not defined
ModuleĀ  Name or entry point could not be found"

I get this error whether I am trying to access via my application 
(remotely to the VPS), or using IBExpert on my local machine and making 
a remote query to the VPS, or connecting via Remote Desktop to the VPS 
and making a local connection via IBExpert.

To simplify things I uninstalled the FB 3 64 bit server and reinstalled 
just the 32 bit server. Same issue.

Confirmed that the firebird.conf points to the UDF folder (I tried 
explicitly pointing to the directory, too) and that the same 
FreeUDFLib.dll is there as I have on my local development computer, 
where it works as expected.

I double checked that indeed the entry point Str2Str is correct in the 

Also, to add to this mystery, I tried using another function for another 
commonly supplied UDF dll, RTRIM(). What happened consistently is that 
by calling this function in a SELECT statement from IBExpert crashed 
IBExpert, as in it would just close without error.

At this point I am completely at a loss about what is going on here. 
Although, it seems like there is something about the VPS setup that is 
an issue.

Can anyone help?

Thank you!

Chuck Belanger

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