I performed a trace and this is the result. I suspected it was doing an order by:
Preparing Statement 5694738 : SELECT "ID","USERNAME","USERNO","LOGDATE","LOGTIME","LOGTABLE","RECORDKEY","REC ORDACTION","RECORDBEFORE","RECORDAFTER" FROM "AIMLOG" WHERE ("ID" <= ? ) ORDER BY "ID" DESC Time Taken:0.00 secs Setting number of rows to fetch to 1 for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding Column 1 to C type SLONG for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding Column 2 to C type CHAR for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding Column 3 to C type SSHORT for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding Column 4 to C type SLONG for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding Column 5 to C type SLONG for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding Column 6 to C type CHAR for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding Column 7 to C type CHAR for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding Column 8 to C type CHAR for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding Column 9 to C type CHAR for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding Column 10 to C type CHAR for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Binding ? 1 with C type SLONG for Statement 5694738 Time Taken:0.00 secs Executing prepared Statement 5694738 Time Taken:15.73 secs Fetching Row from Statement 5694738 Return Code: 0 Time Taken:0.00 secs HTH Andrew Zenz ________________________________ From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com [mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com] Sent: Wednesday, 18 September 2019 10:11 AM To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com Subject: [firebird-support] index use when using order by Hi everyone. I am experiencing an unusual situation. I have a log table for tracking user changes to records. Table is as follows: CREATE TABLE AIMLOG ( ID Integer NOT NULL, USERNAME Char(12) COLLATE EN_UK, USERNO Integer, LOGDATE Integer, LOGTIME Integer, LOGTABLE Char(30) COLLATE EN_UK, RECORDKEY Char(30) COLLATE EN_UK, RECORDACTION Char(10) COLLATE EN_UK, RECORDBEFORE Varchar(1000) COLLATE EN_UK, RECORDAFTER Varchar(1000) COLLATE EN_UK, CONSTRAINT AIMLOG_PK PRIMARY KEY (ID) ); Using Flamerobin, if I want to find the last record I run the following query: SELECT a.ID, a.USERNAME, a.USERNO, a.LOGDATE, a.LOGTIME, a.LOGTABLE, a.RECORDKEY, a.RECORDACTION, a.RECORDBEFORE, a.RECORDAFTER FROM AIMLOG a order by a.id descending The query takes about 15 seconds because it doesn't want to use the primary key, AIMLOG_PK. Plan below: Starting transaction... Preparing query: SELECT a.ID, a.USERNAME, a.USERNO, a.LOGDATE, a.LOGTIME, a.LOGTABLE, a.RECORDKEY, a.RECORDACTION, a.RECORDBEFORE, a.RECORDAFTER FROM AIMLOG a order by a.id descending Prepare time: 0.015s Field #01: AIMLOG.ID Alias:ID Type:INTEGER Field #02: AIMLOG.USERNAME Alias:USERNAME Type:STRING(12) Field #03: AIMLOG.USERNO Alias:USERNO Type:INTEGER Field #04: AIMLOG.LOGDATE Alias:LOGDATE Type:INTEGER Field #05: AIMLOG.LOGTIME Alias:LOGTIME Type:INTEGER Field #06: AIMLOG.LOGTABLE Alias:LOGTABLE Type:STRING(30) Field #07: AIMLOG.RECORDKEY Alias:RECORDKEY Type:STRING(30) Field #08: AIMLOG.RECORDACTION Alias:RECORDACTION Type:STRING(10) Field #09: AIMLOG.RECORDBEFORE Alias:RECORDBEFORE Type:STRING(1000) Field #10: AIMLOG.RECORDAFTER Alias:RECORDAFTER Type:STRING(1000) PLAN SORT ((A NATURAL)) Executing... Done. 267615 fetches, 0 marks, 3818 reads, 0 writes. 0 inserts, 0 updates, 0 deletes, 0 index, 129986 seq. Delta memory: 9460264 bytes. Total execution time: 14.734s Script execution finished. Another simple query that should use the index (I would assume) but doesn't is: select max(a.id) from aimlog a which uses the plan: Starting transaction... Preparing query: select max(a.id) from aimlog a Prepare time: 0.015s Field #01: .MAX Alias:MAX Type:INTEGER PLAN (A NATURAL) Executing... Done. 267615 fetches, 0 marks, 3821 reads, 0 writes. 0 inserts, 0 updates, 0 deletes, 0 index, 129986 seq. Delta memory: 9724 bytes. Total execution time: 0.172s Script execution finished. The application we develop in, Clarion, uses a mechanism of SET the records in a key order (usually placing the cursor at the bottom or top of the order, in this case top), then PREVIOUS to find the highest record, then adding 1 to get the next ID. (Don't question the method, it works in the IDE we have never had an issue), however when the application does it's SET/PREVIOUS it takes 10 to 15 seconds to complete. I can only gather that it is doing a NATURAL read as above instead of using the index. We don't seem to have the issue (as far as I can tell) with other tables that use the SET/PREVIOUS mechanism. Is it a property of the 'order by' to not use the index, is it a bug, is it a fault in my table definition or am I missing the point? Firebird 2.5.7 (WI- Just realised I 'should' be using 2.5.8, but on a server running WI-V2.5.8.27089 it still uses NATURAL. Any pointers or ideas? Thanks. Andrew Zenz