On 2019-11-22 11:02, Alan J Davies alan.dav...@aldis-systems.co.uk 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Hi all, is it possible to update a table when the current_date in
> rdb$database changes to the next day?
> I need to reset a delivery counter to 0 in all the orders on a system.
> I can presently do this two ways.
> When I print a delivery label I do it via a SP...
> cut-down start of SP
>      select  current_date
>      from    rdb$database
>      into    :human_date;
>      select  p.label_counter_date
>      from    paramfil p
>      into    :counter_date;
>      if (:human_date>:counter_date) then -- it must be the next day
>      begin
>          update  paramfil p
>          set     p.label_counter_date=current_date;
>          update  orditems oi
>          set     oi.label_day_count=0;
>      end
> then continue with SP to print labels as normal
> This does cause a delay to the first set of delivery labels printed 
> each
> day.
> I could write and run a small Delphi program which would only have the
> above code as an active item. I could then use Windows (its a Windows
> 2016 server) to run this program at midnight plus a minute, as a
> scheduled task.
> But that seems a lot for something I think I should do within the
> database itself. I've tried to create a trigger on rdb$database but
> cannot, I don't have it available and I understand that I should not
> 'mess' with it anyway.
> Any help or suggestions gratefully received.

Firebird doesn't have a task scheduler, and there is no physical 
database change when the date changes, so you can't trigger an event. 
current_database is a function (or context variable), not a column in a 

  • [firebird... Alan J Davies alan.dav...@aldis-systems.co.uk [firebird-support]
    • Re: ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]

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