On 10-03-2020 15:40, Andrei Luís compuvale.softw...@gmail.com 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Just did that. Still the same.

Check if your client application has its own fbclient.dll, and put a 
firebird.conf in the same directory as that fbclient.dll.

Mark Rotteveel
  • [firebird-s... Nagy Szilveszter nagy_szilvesz...@yahoo.com [firebird-support]
    • Re: [f... Tray nvat...@yahoo.com [firebird-support]
    • Re: [f... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
      • Re... Andrei Luís compuvale.softw...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
        • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
          • ... Andrei Luís compuvale.softw...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
            • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
              • ... Andrei Luís compuvale.softw...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
                • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
                • ... Andrei Luís compuvale.softw...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
                • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
                • ... Andrei Luís compuvale.softw...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
                • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
                • ... Andrei Luís compuvale.softw...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
                • ... Dimitry Sibiryakov s...@ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]
                • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
                • ... Dimitry Sibiryakov s...@ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]
                • ... Andrei Luís compuvale.softw...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
                • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
    • Re: [f... liviuslivius liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]

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