

I posted a similar question on 20. September 2017 how to login with a
windows domain username without using trusted authentication. At this time
the answer was: ist not possible or you have to  In the meanwhile I have
some customers with FB 3.x and recognized that trusted authentication is
dependent on the EF and .net provider and not in place yet.


For that reason I tried following steps:

1.      My domain user is called BAURADAR\NIKOLAUS
2.      Firebird 2.5.9

a.      I logged in: isql localhost/3060:b58 -u "DOMAIN\TEST44" -p test -r
b.      It worked !

3.      Firebird 3.0.5

a.      isql localhost:oberrater -u "BAURADAR\TEST" -p test -R
b.      It worked as well

4.      I check the current user with:

a.      show users;
b.      select current_user from rdb$DATABASE;


What do I want to achieve:

I.      Automatic login with Windows Domain account without the need for a
password. This is the level of security with FB2.5.x and trusted
II.     Explicit login with any Windows domain account with a specific
password via a REST Service


In order to get this working on FB3.x I need to setup all Firebird users
with Windows Domain Accounts with the same default password.



1.      As far as I see this the objective I. is in conflict with objective
II. Or is there a parameter to login without password check?
2.      Is the use of special german characters (like ÄÖÜ) possible with
Firebird Usernames? Also in as a Windows Domain Username like


Thanks in advance





  • [firebi... 'Nikolaus Kern' parzival1...@gmx.at [firebird-support]
    • OD... Karol Bieniaszewski liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]

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