1. Console grouping:
Since I use a lot of console log items, I found it convenient in Firebug to
group them with console.groupCollapsed() and console.groupEnd().  Worked
fine. In the Moz devtools, all that does is indent the grouped items
slightly, but they don't collapse. This page
claims the collapse works as of Firefox 52, but I'm using Mac FF 53.0.2 and
they're still not collapsing. What do other people see when they try this?

​2. Scratchpad:
Very awkward to use compared to the Firebug multi-line command line. Also
not all features work (for me, anyway) as claimed in the documentation
<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Scratchpad>. ​ For example,
clicking Inspect does nothing at all. Has anybody here gone through the
described Scratchpad features one at a time? Which ones do / don't work for

Also, the effect of the Scratchpad seems persistent or cumulative. (I don't
remember whether this differs from Firebug.) Simply commenting out or even
deleting the visible items in it does _not_ return the value of any
variables I changed to their original values. The only way to do that is
reload the browser window, in which case I have to start all over again. Is
there any way to turn off "persistence" in the Scratchpad? I mean that when
I comment our or delete a variable assignment, it should return to its
original value, without reloading the browser. Or, alternatively, something
like a "Recalculate Values" command if I comment out a variable assignment
I entered. Is something like that possible?

3. Network panel:
The Filter works well, but I often have to re-enter a filter string that I
used just a few minutes earlier. Is there any way to save filters for
subsequent access? A popdown menu of "recent filters" would be nice,
wouldn't it?

Thanks for any enlightenment,

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