On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 06:44:15PM +0200, alberto wrote:
> Hello,
> Finally i've downloaded your script but i've a little problem.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# /etc/rc.d/firewall start
> iptables v1.2.7a: no command specified
> Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
[... errors ...]
> I've these errors while trying to run your script. if you need it i send
> you my conf file.

I suspect you may have IPTABLES variable defined wrong in your config
file.  Could you cut and paste it's exact definition?

Jamin W. Collins

This is the typical unix way of doing things: you string together lots
of very specific tools to accomplish larger tasks. -- Vineet Kumar

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