Dear FISers,

Just a few brief points on the many themes open.

Pridi's morphogenesis: The new computer fabrication techs based on 3D printers are opening a new realm of artificial morphogenesis. We are achieving, finally, something very similar to the intususpection growth of life, which is based on cellular signaling strategies coupled to force fields and electrical fields. This signaling involvement, basically in the control of the cellular life-cycle, is very interesting to me and have done some work . We could have an special section about that, maybe in a "New Biology" session next year in Varna, and maybe also in Vienna. Also with a European Projects and Innovation transfer session.

Perennial information question: given the open-ended characteristic of information and the proliferation of hundreds of "definitions", advocating for a consensus is the most prudent strategy. Also it is needed a new way of thinking consolidating different approaches to "informational entities" from a naturalistic and empirical perspective. The prejudice of looking for a general info doctrine out from physical fields, or from classical info theory, or from logics, keeps us into our beloved "cul de sac".

Information flow: in the same way that understanding the "energy flow" in the biosphere, in the 50's and 60's (eg, Morowitz, Margalef) changed quite a bit the bioenergetic panorama, establishing the "laws" of the "information flow" could do the same effect in information science today; not only in biology, think also in enterprises, cities, countries, etc. I already posted on new urban science, how it relies on information flows (legitimately!). Quite a panoply of "informational entities" are based in communication and self-production intertwining of flows. Communication is held for the sake of self-production.

Great Domains of Science: Information Science(s) constitute with the Social, the Biological, and the Physical the four great domains of contemporary science (echoing Rosenbloom, modified)--that should be our working perspective. Not just that we are enlarging classical Library Science.

Varna's, Vienna's ... Both are we are quite complementary. Fortunately we are counting with two channels for our face-to-face communication. One devoted to the most general, and the other for the link with research & technical fields. Next week I will make some comments on Wolfgang's text, as I think it needs a little bit more of scientific contents (say related to info science & natural science) in order to attract active researchers in these fields.

best greetings


Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)

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