Dear Terry and colleagues,

I read the discussion paper with interest. Much of it makes sense to me,
but I am not sure whether I follow everything. Thank you for this

My main interest is with the special case (p. 8) of non-passive information
media; particularly in the relation to psychological systems, and social
and cultural ones. In the latter, perhaps even more than the former, one
can begin to see the contextual conditions to interact among themselves;
for example, when expectations are expected such as in the double
contingency among reflexive persons. As Parsons expressed it: Ego expects
Alter to entertain expectations about Ego and Alter such as one’s own ones.

It seems to me that the systems then are layered: biological ones on top of
physical ones, but with a teleogical dimension of the entropy (or a
next-order loop, in other words); psychological ones on top of some
biological systems; and social and cultural ones processing exclusively in
terms of references (e.g., symbols). The time-subscripts of expectations
refer to a next moment in time (t+1). In the theory and computation of
anticipatory systems one finds the further distinctions between systems
which refer both to their own past and their own current or next state, and
systems which operate exclusively in terms of expectations of next-moment
of time states. The former are considered incursive, whereas the latter are
hyper-incursive ones. One can easily write the equations, and then it is
obvious that the dynamics are very different from biological systems.
Hyper-incursive systems operate against the arrow of time.

Whereas the teleological dimension is only one among various dynamics in
the case of biological and psychological systems, an additional degree of
freedom is available when the teleological constraints can interact among
them such as in the case that different value systems collide to various
extents. For example, political discourse entertains meanings with a
codification different from scholarly discourse. Since these
hyper-incursive systems operate entirely with reference to future states
(in terms of models), they generate redundancies instead of Shannon
entropy, by enlarging the set of possible states continuously. The
psychological carriers of these exchanges of expectations relate the
redundancies thus generated reflexively to their teleology as discussed in
your paper.

In summary, it seems to me that you perhaps too easily jump from biological
teleology to next-order systems and thus introduce a biologism in studying
the dynamics of references. The substrates of mediation can change with
each turn. One can perhaps distinguish the system layers by answering the
question of what is mediated (how and why) in each layer? For example, a
biology is generated when molecules are exchanged instead of atoms (as in

The dynamics of the physical medium at the bottom lose relevance when one
moves upwards, whereas the Shannon-dynamics remains relevant since
statistical, potentially also with reference to next-order media. However
paradoxical this may sound, one can study the variation of the redundancy
generation or, in other words, the interactions among the conditions, using
entropy calculus because the latter is not constrained to the physics
domain. Thus, your distinction of the Shannon and Boltzmann entropies
provides room for a wider use of the Shannon entropy.

Let me posit that the specification of the medium in terms of what is
communicated (atoms, molecules, words, meaning, etc.) provides us with room
for each time a special theory of communication; for example, the
communication of molecules in a biology, whereas the mathematical theory of
communication (Shannon, etc.) enables us to specify the differences and
similarities among the special theories. This is a rich source of
heuristics and algorithms. I sense a tendency in your discussion paper to
ground all the theory in physics (thermodynamics) as a meta-theory or grand
theory of communication. Is this erroneous? Can the special cases further
develop with a next-lower level as the noise generating medium?


Loet Leydesdorff

Professor Emeritus, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Honorary Professor, SPRU, <>University of
Sussex; Visiting Professor, ISTIC,
Visiting Professor at Birkbeck, University of London; Guest Professor
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou;
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