Dear FISers.

Yesterday LIGO ( Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory)
announced, for the first time, the detection of Gravitational Waves
predicted by Einstein 100 years ago.
Wouldn't be Gravitational Waves a good discussion in FIS?
We all know that regular waves can carry information. Can gravitational
waves carry  information? Which kind?
Panelists (I saw some videos) say that "gravitational waves carry
information about astronomical phenomena never before observed by human".
The question is: is it possible to "modulate" some information in
gravitational waves?
I found at Scopus 17 articles containing "information" and "gravitational
waves" in title, so I think that people are working around this...
I think that it is a very important moment in history of science and it is
extremely related with 'information'.

Surely we  have colleagues (specialists) in FIS that can share interesting
thoughts about this theme.
I talked with Pedro about, and he agree we may have a discussion about
after two that are scheduled.
So, this message is not for starting a discussion. It is only to register
this fabulous new way that, we have now, to 'listen' the universe.


Um abraço!

Moisés André Nisenbaum
Doutorando IBICT/UFRJ. Professor. Msc.
Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ
Campus Rio de Janeiro
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