>From Mark on Maxine:
"What do we do when we describe something?"

1. we give another person a chance to recognize the same object /
experience, or a related one. (Objective)
2. We may offer an account of what it feels like, or felt like, to look at
that object / be in that experience. (Subjective)

Alex Hankey M.A. (Cantab.) PhD (M.I.T.)
Distinguished Professor of Yoga and Physical Science,
SVYASA, Eknath Bhavan, 19 Gavipuram Circle
Bangalore 560019, Karnataka, India
Mobile (Intn'l): +44 7710 534195
Mobile (India) +91 900 800 8789

2015 JPBMB Special Issue on Integral Biomathics: Life Sciences, Mathematics
and Phenomenological Philosophy
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