Caro Plamen e Cari Tutti,
sottolineo lo stile pedagogico e l'efficacia comunicativa di questo
eccellente contributo. Desidero soffermarmi sulla nota 5. della
fenomenologia. La discontinuità o il salto brusco e traumatico tra una
situazione e l'altra è frutto di una trasmutazione che caratterizza i
"momenti" decisivi e strategici di qualunque settore della esperienza
esistenziale e cognitiva. Tutto e dappertutto avviene secondo un processo
economico basato sull'asimmetria creativa che rompe ogni simmetria e
determina i cambiamenti evolutivi da cui dipende la vita. La vita, miracolo
dei miracoli, non è un e-vento ordinario, ma un insi-eme di fatti
imprevedibili, sconvolgenti, asimmetrici. Il cosmo è (o potrebbe essere)
iniziato in modo arbitrario, cioè indipendente da qualunque conoscenza
umana, e si svolge (o potrebbe svolgersi) in modo arbitrario, nel senso che
le rotture o le discontinuità provocate dalle singolarità o asimmetrie sono
( o potrebbero essere) il risultato di una sua intrinseca creatività che
sfugge al dominio dell'uomo al quale è possibile (?) conoscere sola la
"realtà" compresa tra una singolarità e l'altra. Questo discorso potrebbe
continuare a lungo, cosa che non faccio rinviando, almeno, alle pagine
211-231 di Rizzo F., "Etica dei valori economici o economia dei valori
etici" (FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2004).
Il meccanismo che trasforma un mondo ideale, dove tutto si muove alla
velocità della luce, nel nostro mondo reale è proprio quello di Higgs
basato sulla "rottura spontanea della simmetria" di gauge. Quindi partendo
dal mondo a massa nulla, si può rompere spontaneamente la simmetria di
gauge, originando la massa delle particelle, che interagiscono con la
particella di Higgs. Tutto ciò è possibile se la particella di Higgs
interagisce con se stessa o, come dicono i fisici, se il campo di Higgs è
auto-interagente. Questo effetto è un ingrediente cruciale della particella
di Higgs che genera le masse di tutte le particelle e auto-genera anche la
sua massa (cfr. Rizzo F., "Incontro d'amore tra il cuore della fede e
l'intelligenza della scienza. Un salto nel cielo", Aracne editrice, Roma,
2014, pp. 598-604).
Quando il mondo fu creato o si formò la materia e l'anti-materia erano
presenti in proporzioni uguali o simmetriche, poi si verificò un ancora
sconosciuto fenomeno che ruppe questa simmetria e l'antimateria scomparve o
si ridusse o fu neutralizzata oppure non so cosa sia accaduto e non lo sa
nessuno. Ma una cosa è certa che lo scioglimento o la frattura di quella
simmetria consente la nostra vita, che altrimenti non ci sarebbe.
Noi viviamo in un mondo frattale imprevedibile, irregolare, discontinuo,
asimmetrico, caratterizzato dalle leggi esponenziali o di potenza, come
afferma anche la. Nuova economia (cfr. Rizzo F., "Nuova economia", Aracne
editrice, Roma, 2013).
In conclusione, sapendo che sono stato molto schematico e frammentario, il
pensare economico, più che il pensiero economico, fa diventare la
fenomenologia più brillante, pregnante e cognitiva. La libertà economica,
infatti, è condizione della libertà di pensiero ed illumina la vita.
Grazie e auguri, questo è un bel dibattito che non avrà mai nè vinti nè

2016-05-14 9:49 GMT+02:00 Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov <>:

> Dear Colleagues,
> My contribution will finalize the discussion on phenomenology in the
> domains of biology, mathematics, cyber/biosemiotics and physics by the
> previous speakers (Maxine, Lou, Sœren and Alex) with a “challenging topic”
> in *3φ integrative medicine*. *You may wish to skip the small font text
> notes following each underscored phrase like the one below.*
> *Note 1:* Although this term is often used as synonym for holistic
> healing (s. ref. list A), its meaning in this context with the prefix 3φ
> goes much “deeper” into the disciplines’ integration leaving no room for
> speculations by mainstream scientists. The concept is a linguistic choice
> of mine for the intended merge of the complexity sciences *ph*ysics and
> *ph*ysiology with *ph*enomenology for application in modern medicine
> along the line of integral biomathics (s. ref. list B).
> It is rooted in the last presentation of Alex Hankey, since it naturally
> provides the link from physics to physiology and medicine, and thus to an
> anthropocentric domain implying a leading part of phenomenological studies.
> To begin, I compiled a précis of Alex’ thesis about self-organized
> criticality (s. ref. list C) from his paper “A New Approach to Biology and
> Medicine” -- the download link to it was distributed in a previous email of
> him -- and extended it with my reflections including some questions I hope
> you will resonate on.
> I am curious of your opinion about how to apply the scientific method, and
> in particular mathematics and information science, to study illness and
> recovery as complex phenomena.
> *Alex Hankey: self-organized criticality and regulation in living systems*
> *There is a continuous growth and change at the end of a phase transition
> in an organism, i.e. at its critical point, which is the end point of phase
> equilibrium.*
> *Both endo and exo, genetics and epigenetics are important for life.*
> *Self-organized criticality* is a characteristic state of a system at its
> critical point generated by self-organization during a long transient
> period at the complexity edge between order/stability/predictability and
> disorder/chaos/unpredictability.
> *Regulation of growth, form and function as a balance between health and
> illness.* The role of regulation and homeostasis in maintaining the
> structure and function of living systems is critical. Every deviation from
> a regulated state of being leads to imbalances, failures and subsystem
> dysfunction that is usually transitory, but could also become
> life-threatening, if the organism cannot find a way to restore quickly to a
> balanced, healthy state. Living beings are robust and fault-tolerant with
> respect to hazards; they possess multiple alternative pathways for
> supplying and maintaining their existential functions. However, some state
> transitions in response to severe harms can become practically
> irreversible, because of the deep evolutionary interlocking between the
> participating entities and processes. Sometimes the normal functioning of
> the organism cannot be easily restored by its natural repair processes,
> especially when adversities reoccur frequently, and the organism fails ill.
> *Synchronicity of action and information between the building blocks of a
> living system.* There is a need for every physiological function to be
> correctly coordinated with all other “peer” functions. Information flows
> within a living system interconnect all physiological functions and organs
> at multiple levels into a single mesh of regulatory interconnections.
> Multiple feedback-control loops enable the cross-functional interlocking of
> both healthy and ill state changes of the organism.
> Adjacent/peripheral/secondary homeostasis processes act as fine-tuning
> catalyzers of substrate ratios and process rates exchanged within the
> living system. Imbalances of these quantities lead to excess/blockage or
> scarcity/draining of essential nourishment and information exchange
> pathways.
> *Regulation at criticality* not only fine-tunes a process, it *optimizes*
> it for survival: with respect to a given generation’s available
> possibilities in the light of the past generations’ possibilities. To
> survive an organism or a species needs to develop optimal
> *response-ability* to environmental distress.
> *New ecological definition of life according to Hankey: self-regulating,
> self-reproducing systems that maximize efficiency of function to maximize
> competitiveness in their chosen environment. *
> *Summary: Elements of self-organized criticality*
>    1. Criticality
>    2. Edge of the chaos
>    3. Self-organized criticality
>    4. 1/f fractal patterns of response
> *… and beyond*
> I wish to add a 5th aspect to this definition from the perspective of
> integral biomathics:
>    1. *Phenomenology*
> The latter is a largely studied matter in contemporary medicine (s. ref.
> list D), at least at the macro, interpersonal *level*.
> *Note 2*: A level refers to the compositional hierarchy defining levels
> by scale.
> *The key question in such a “deep holistic” physically-phenomenological
> physiology (*3φ*)** is how to define or comprehend (self-organized)
> criticality operationally within the unifying framework of biomathematics
> and biocomputation*. Indeed, a single temporary imbalance within a living
> system regarded as disease involves multiple agents, perspectives and
> interpretations at all levels altogether, moreover *simultaneously*.
> *Note 3*: Simultaneously at different levels involves very different
> sized 'moments' at the different scales.
> So, how should we approach and take into account the other levels/scales
> in order to derive a reliable diagnosis and *therapy*?
> *Note 4*: The notion of “subject” becomes plural (“subjects”) as
> superposition of quantum states to survive the integration of the multiple
> first-person subjective descriptions and the standard third-person
> objective one.
> Until now criticality has been *non-phenomenological*.
> *Note 5:* In their 2012 paper “No entailing laws, but enablement in the
> evolution of the biosphere” Longo, Montévil and Kauffman claim that
> biological evolution “marks the end of a physics world view of law entailed
> dynamics” ( They argue that the
> evolutionary phase space or space of possibilities constituted of
> interactions between organisms, biological niches and ecosystems is “ever
> changing, intrinsically indeterminate and even (mathematically)
> unprestatable”.Hence, the authors' claim that it is impossible to know
> “ahead of time the 'niches' which constitute the boundary conditions on
> selection” in order to formulate laws of motion for evolution. They call
> this effect “radical emergence”, from life to life. Yet this applies to
> abiotic dissipative structures like tornadoes as well. Living beings are
> not radically different in this respect. In their study of biological
> evolution, Longo and colleagues carried close comparisons with physics.
> They investigated the mathematical constructions of phase spaces and the
> role of symmetries as invariant preserving transformations, and introduced
> the notion of “enablement” to restrict causal analyses to Batesonian
> differential cases (1972: “the difference that makes a difference”). The
> authors have shown that mutations or other “causal differences” at the core
> of evolution enable the establishment of non-conservation principles, in
> contrast to physical dynamics, which is largely based on conservation
> principles as symmetries. Their new notion of “extended criticality” also
> helps to understand the distinctiveness of the living state of matter when
> compared to the non-animal one. However, their approach to both physics and
> biology is also *non-phenomenological*. The possibility for endo states
> that can trigger the “(genetic/epigenetic) switches of mutation” has not
> been examined in their model. This is intended to be different in 3φ*
> integrative medicine*.
> If we split a human body into macro (patient), mezzo (systems) and micro
> levels (cells) three distinct questions regarding phenomenology arise: i)
> *how* these levels pervade into each other with larger scale providing
> context (boundary conditions) and lowest scale providing raw materials for
> middle scale to function, monitor and control vital processes, ii)
> *who/which* are the agents taking care for this to happen spontaneously,
> and iii) *what kind and role* plays information in the context of i) and
> ii). After all what we are concerned about is modeling the agency of the
> systems in the mezzo level.
> Where should we go from here?
> In particular, I am interested to know *what kind of
> scientific-phenomenological methodology can be developed and applied for
> investigating *the following three major groups of ailments:
>    1. *oncological diseases* with a particular focus on spatial and
>    temporal heterogeneity both in terms of flawed histological structures and
>    biochemical reactions;
>    1. *neuro-degenerative disorders* such as vascular dementia, Parkinson
>    and Alzheimer diseases:
>    1. *altered organ and physiological system failures* such as the
>    Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS), cardiovascular and autoimmune
>    diseases.
> In the first group, the *extreme diversity of cancer tissue structures
> and circulating tumor cells (CTC) concentrations over both spatial and
> temporal scales* makes the reliable classification, diagnosis,
> model/hypothesis generation, forecast and treatment of individual patients
> very difficult. This is a real challenge for modern pathology. Another
> problem is that pathologists are actually dealing with random tissue and
> blood samples over irregular periods, which hinder the exact 3D
> histological reconstruction of the tumor formations and tracing their
> development over time and space. Using additional means such as diagnostic
> sonography, CT, MRT and PET images do not improve sufficiently the
> hypotheses about the individual cancer morphology and development. All this
> makes tumor classification and diagnosis, even when analyzing
> high-resolution digital images from biopsy slices by means of virtual
> microscopy, very difficult and often a guesswork also for experts. The
> recent advances in high-performance medical scanning and automation
> systems, computerized visualization and graphical modeling tools, as well
> the collection of huge amounts of anonymous patient data in specialized
> medical databases make the impression that the solution of these problems
> is only a question of more automation, performance, investment and time.
> However, many pathologists begin to realize a third problem, namely that 
> *tumors
> appear to be unique in their histological structure and development*,
> related to the personal history and the overall state of health of the
> individual patients. This argument reveals the need for developing a more
> personalized and differentiated medicine that goes over scales without
> becoming purely symptomatic, causality-driven and reductionistic.
> Recent research in the other two fields leads to the same conclusion.
> Therefore, I think that we may be able to develop and test hypotheses about
> emergence and development of deficiency and illness that will lead to
> individual therapies in *3φ* integrative medicine. Your ideas regarding
> this assumption are very welcome.
> Some interesting questions bridging the previous discussion sessions to
> this one are:
> -        Why does a human embryo repeat the evolutionary history of its
> species when going through its development stages? Is it because it is more
> secure to project and set up the execution of a future life plan by tracing
> and bodily memorizing a series of evolutionary encoded (successful) “locks”
> through equilibrium states at the edge of criticality?
> -        Which is the *vital *role of recursion and repetition of life
> processes including their material and information exchange flows in the
> criticality driven self-regulation for recovery from imbalances and the
> reversibility and healing of diseases? How can we effectively model such
> processes?
> -        Do we make difference between a physicist’s time and a
> biologist’s time in complex living systems?
> * I look forward to your feedback and notes on the subject.*
> *References:*
> *A.     **Integrative Medicine*
> Integrative Medicine:
> <>
> What Is Integrative Medicine?:
> Integrative Medicine Research:
> Advances in Integrative Medicine
> *B.    **Integral Biomathics*
> Integral Biomathics:
> <>
> Integral Biomathics: A Post-Newtonian View into the Logos of Bios
> On Some Recent Insights in Integral Biomathics:
> Integral Biomathics Reloaded: 2015 (free access until July 19th 2016):
> *C.    **Self-organized criticality**:*
> Self-organized criticality:
> <>
> Self-organized criticality (SOC):
> Self-organized criticality:
> Self-organized criticality – what it is and what it isn’t
> *D.    **Phenomenology in Medicine*
> The meaning of illness: a phenomenological approach to the
> physician/patient relationship:
> ;
> Body Matters: A Phenomenology of Sickness, Disease, and Illness:
> Suffering Transfigured: Phenomenological Personalism In the Doctor-Patient
> Relationship:
> .
> The challenge of neuroscience: Psychiatry and phenomenology today:
> .
> Rediscovering Psychopathology: The Epistemology and Phenomenology of the
> Psychiatric Object:
> .
> *Plamen*
> ____________________________________________________________
> 2015 JPBMB Special Issue on Integral Biomathics: Life Sciences,
> Mathematics and Phenomenological Philosophy
> <>
> (note: free access to all articles until July 19th, 2016)
> 2013 JPBMB Special Issue on Integral Biomathics: Can Biology Create a
> Profoundly New Mathematics and Computation?
> <>
> 2012 Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality
> <>
> 2011 INtegral BIOmathics Support Action (INBIOSA) <>
> ____________________________________________________________
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