Dear Andrew and Alexander
Thank you dearly for your most striking comment that the transition of
non-linear thermodynamical systems from exploding entropy to a
reorganization of the system
through negative entropy as per my work is the case of the brain as per
your work following Freeman's tradition. (You even wrote it almost
identically to my own presentation!)
Allow me to suggest however, that rather than a nested hierarchy (say a
Matrushka) as already suggested by Freeman, which is an iterated dual
the case is of an hyperKlein Bottle which is non-dual and heterarchical,
rather than hierarchical (or, in other terms, both), as discussed in my
work retaking MacCulloch's 1945 work.
The neural networks that Freeman considered as producing the nested
hierarchy may well be non-orientable (Mobius strip ) as discussed also in
my work, being the case that the topographic
maps of vision and somatosensory systems have the Klein Bottle topology, as
is also the case of genomes.
I look forward to study your works and return to you.
By the way, this non-dual logophysics which integrates Outside and Inside
-as is the Klein Bottle- seems to be the natural one regarding the issue
God(s) produces our bodies as to cognize him (her) and organize our lives
or we produce God(s).
Best and kind regards,

Diego Rapoport

PS Does the dimensional reduction of the olfactory phenomenology to the
single radial "spherical" dimension  at the olfactory bulb
indicates a projective geometry with antipodal points identified, as
retaken by Freeman from earlier research?
Would that be indeed the case, then finite sections of the bulb would be
Mobius strips :-) (!!)

2017-01-24 7:24 GMT-03:00 Andrew Fingelkurts / BM-Science <>:

> Dear All,
> In relation to the below mentioned “any non-linear thermodynamical system
> actually increases to develop a singularity which is followed
> by the reorganization of the system through negative entropy, following
> the destruction of the  system in its previous form” we would like to
> comment that exactly the same principle is observed in the nested hierarchy
> of the brain electromagnetic field that supports the nested hierarchy of
> mentality and consciousness in particular (for a complete description and
> discussion, please see
> Greetings,
> Andrew and Alexander
> *From:* Fis [
> <>] *On Behalf Of *Diego Lucio Rapoport
> *Sent:* Monday, 23 January, 2017 05:28
> *To:*;; Jeremy
> Dunning-Davies
> *Cc:* fis;;
> *Subject:* Re: [Fis] [Sadhu Sanga] Physics hype ...
> Dear Colleagues
> Returning to the issue discussed by Dr Rich Norman  of the validity of the
> second law of thermodynamics in relation to biology where negative entropy
> drives
> systems to self-organize, I would like to comment that *any non-linear*
> thermodynamical system actually increases to develop a singularity which is
> followed
> by the reorganization of the system through negative entropy, following
> the destruction of the  system in its previous form.
> This is related to the non-orientability -say Mobius strip- of the
> compactified complex number system as discussed in
> Heterarchies_Genomic_Topologies_Harmonics_and_Evolution._Part_I_
> Morphomechanics_Space_and_Time_in_Biology_and_Physics_
> Cognition_Non-Linearity_and_the_Structure_of_Uncertainty
> and the implications to chemistry, biology, cognition, metamathematics,
> genomics and evolution are discussed in
> Heterarchies_Genomic_Topologies_Harmonics_and_Evolution._Part_II_Non-
> orientability_Cognition_Chemical_Topology_and_Eversions_in_Nature
> Heterarchies_Genomic_Topologies_Harmonics_and_
> Evolution._Part_III_The_Klein_Bottle_Logic_of_Genomics_and_
> its_Dynamics_Quantum_Information_Complexity_and_Palindromic_Repeats_in_
> Evolution
> Best regards
> Diego Rapoport
> w). Thank you for starting this topic, Dr. Ford.  Your piece is correct by
> my estimation, and fits quite exactly with many statements in our new book.
>  [Are you familiar with Bechamp?…that chalk sir! You may request a paper
> which makes tangible use of physics within cell biology.  Those were
> stunning images in your paper.]  There is a great deal of this rot in
> physics and cosmology.  Before I begin a new thread concerning causality, I
> must add my sad approval to the exhausted refrain below, which did not
> offend me in any way.  The situation in my broken country and the world
> inspires such painful honesty.  I will put a link to a paper concerning
> gravitation which is in keeping, added below the following comment by Eric
> Sabo, and then a possible explanation.
> “At CERN and Fermilab, no two collisions are exactly the same.
> Their efforts are a waste of time as any particles they create only last
> nanoseconds and then they "evaporate".
> The really odd thing is not one physicist at those facilities ever ask
> "Where did they evaporate to?"...
> (The only logical answer is, back to the Aether.) It's just a jobs program
> for physicists.
> What's really odd is they pat themselves on the backs and hand out Nobel
> Prizes for their efforts.
> I see the real benefit of those projects is that it's all good magnet
> R&D...... (For future Antimatter Containment)
> . . . .Residing in the urban environment give me the impression that the
> stupid people have propagated out of control.
> And, every one of them has the right to exist..... and vote!.......
> (There's no hope for Humanity.)”
> You sir, are right!
> Practical_and_theoretical_assessment_of_relativistic_theory_v_2?ev=prf_pub
> I have just completed a book detailing a great deal of this kind of
> thing.  A LONG book, gentlemen!  *Science hype, and deception*.  Just
> look at all that overstatement and deception.  Have you read the papers
> debunking LIGO?  Here is our new book *Beyond the Veil: Deception, truth
> and the hidden promise of science*.
> Conventional/dp/1541117409/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&
> qid=1483385806&sr=1-1
> *Here is a new thought for you:*
> Does the second law of thermodynamics imply by necessity the social
> turbulence we see all around us?  The answer is no, entropy increase itself
> does not imply social discord as a necessary consequence.  Biological life
> is itself an expression of negative entropy, an exporting of entropy in
> order to sustain itself and its organized processes.  The biology should by
> multiplicative extension increase negative entropy through numerical
> increase.
> I will speculate to explain the effects witnessed: The effect we see, the
> social horror then, I will hypothesize is a function of the lack of
> emergent intelligence from the new larger system.  Instead of a healthy
> intra-connected single human system, as analogously in the case of a mat of
> bacteria relating to its cohabited environment, the connection between
> the microorganisms fostering a cooperative intelligence to emerge which
> guides proliferation and development
> <>,
> a function terminated with interrupted intra-connectivity, our race is set
> against itself, the single system broken apart, our unconscious
> connectivity in my estimation has been shut off: we compete at every turn,
> and our mental topography has removed the inner means to support the
> healthy effect!  I believe, the paper linked below contains the answer.  To
> have altered the aspects in this document, has changed my ‘luck.’  My
> entire world seems effortless and on track.  I believe, the loss of
> identifications with the world and our fellow humans is the cause of the
> discord.  Theoretically, as a mat of bacteria, we should operate in
> cooperative mutual adjustment with the other organisms which share our
> environment…I hypothesize: but for this.
> ego_and_the_neuroscience_of_empathy_from_unconscious_wish_
> to_manifest_behavior--a_new_human_model
> Thank you for all this new thinking.  The recent email from John Kineman
> was simply excellent.  I will begin a thread later on related topics.
> Thank you,
> Rich Norman
> Journal of Unconscious Psychology
> On Jan 11, 2017, at 7:42 AM, Prof. Brian J Ford <
>> wrote:
> The extraordinary hyperbole surrounding theoretical physics and cosmology
> is disproportionate in comparison with sciences with which people should be
> familiar; I have addressed this in a shortly published article (attached,
> and in confidence).
> There are strong resonances with the mythical world of Jonathan Swift in
> all this.
> On the safety of nuclear explosions, although the atomic bomb's capacity
> for destruction was less than some had predicted, bear in mind (as I have
> discussed in a recent book) that the Little Boy bomb dropped on Hiroshima
> contained 59 kg U235, of which only 600 mg was released as thermal energy.
> Had it all been converted, as some were anticipating, it would have been
> 100,000 times as powerful.
> Best wishes
> Brian J Ford
> Cambridge UK
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:*
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 10, 2017 11:06 AM
> *Subject:* RE: [Sadhu Sanga] Re: The False Elephant and the False Ego
> My apologies if I have offended anyone. It's just sometimes I think that I
> am really tired of everything.
> (Especially the recent US election.)
> Thank you again.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Sadhu Sanga] Re: The False Elephant and the False Ego
> From: "'BMP' via Sadhu-Sanga Under the holy association of Spd. B.M.
> Puri Maharaja, Ph.D." <>
> Date: Mon, January 09, 2017 6:25 am
> To: ""
> <>
> Thank you, Eric for your intelligent if brutal honesty.
> Bhakti Madhava Puri, Ph.D.
> BHAKTI VEDANTA INSTITUTE – of Spiritual Culture & Science
> <>
> BHAKTI VEDANTA INSTITUTE – of Spiritual Culture & Science
> Visit us on Facebook <>
> Security Check Required
> ------------------------------
> *From:* "" <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 7, 2017 5:01 AM
> *Subject:* RE: [Sadhu Sanga] Re: The False Elephant and the False Ego
> Good answer. What really disturbs me is the ability of the individual
> to construct a reality  for themselves
> that is based in no factual evidence at all. What's even more disturbing
> is the will of some to impose their
> reality on others even though the imposer knows that the reality they are
> imposing is false.
> An ignorant or illiterate can also create a false reality and impose it on
> others if they have a strong enough
> personality and that is even more disturbing. Perhaps that is the true
> reason for Sharia Law to exist.
> It would appear to be a unifying set of rules that unites and controls an
> otherwise barbaric and chaotic
> mass of ignorant people that would be without discipline without it.
> My reality is the universe is dynamical chaos that manages to fall within
> parameter. For example;
> All Oak trees are Oaks yet, no two are ever the exactly same. No two
> Vidalia onions are exactly the same.
> No two stars are exactly the same. At CERN and Fermilab, no two collisions
> are exactly the same.
> Their efforts are a waste of time as any particles they create only last
> nanoseconds and then they "evaporate".
> The really odd thing is not one physicist at those facilities ever ask
> "Where did they evaporate to?"...
> (The only logical answer is, back to the Aether.) It's just a jobs program
> for physicists.
> What's really odd is they pat themselves on the backs and hand out Nobel
> Prizes for their efforts.
> I see the real benefit of those projects is that it's all good magnet
> R&D...... (For future Antimatter Containment)
> We probably shouldn't be upset about anything. Sometimes I consider that I
> am the only entity in existence
> and that everything and everyone in my reality is a construct for my
> amusement. (Or torture lately..... LOL)
> (You can't enjoy the good times without a little bad.)
> Residing in the urban environment give me the impression that the stupid
> people have propagated out of control.
> And, every one of them has the right to exist..... and vote!.......
> (There's no hope for Humanity.)
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Sadhu Sanga] Re: The False Elephant and the False Ego
> From: "'BMP' via Sadhu-Sanga Under the holy association of Spd. B.M.
> Puri Maharaja, Ph.D." <>
> Date: Fri, January 06, 2017 9:18 am
> To: Online Sadhu Sanga <>
> On Jan 4 2017 wrote:
> > "The reality we accept is a human construct.”(Deepak Chopra)
> >I have observed that people do indeed create their own reality. Some even
> are able to alter >others reality by their mere physical presence. The
> problem I have with all of it is, all >their realities would seem to be
> false.
> This seems to be as concise an assessment of the situation as any already
> presented.
> It is reasonable to say that individuals may have different
> interpretations of reality,  but in itself Reality is not simply a matter
> of being a human construct or there would be no meaning to 'error,'
> 'mistake,' 'illusion,' and so on. Indeed there would be no meaning to
> 'truth' as opposed to untruth.
> Human consciousness is limited to its body. An individual is conscious o
> nly to the limits of its skin or surface. One may see a tree, or a star,
> or a bat - but that same individual cannot know or be conscious of what it
> is like to be a bat, as one recent American philosopher, Thomas Nagel,
> famously announced in *The Philosophical Review* in October 1974.
> A human being has direct consciousness of its body and of its thoughts,
> but beyond that it has only representations (signs), images, or reflections
> (on the mind's mirror) of the world outside its body. Human consciousness
> is therefore NOT the consciousness of trees, stars, bats, or anything else.
> It is conscious of other things beyond its
>  body, but not the consciousness of those things.
> However, there is a consciousness of both individual human consciousness
> and the other things/persons of which an individual may be conscious. That
> universal consciousness is not only the consciousness of all Reality but
> also the consciousness of itself, i.e. it is self-consciousness in and for
> Itself. This universal self-consciousness is identical with itself as
> Reality, since Reality is the manifestation or expression of itself as real
> (being-for-other, or Otherness), while not losing its being-for-itself or
> self-consciousness as its ideality or Self-Concept. Here we find the true
> dynamic meaning of *Advaita* (non-duality), or the negation of *dvaita* 
> (duality).
> Reality as the Otherness of Universal Self-consciousness is simultaneously
> Other (different from) yet identical (same as) universal Self consciousness
> being the manifest determinateness of what Self-consciousness is.
> To strip Universal Self-consciousness of its Reality is to abstract
> consciousness from its concrete Truth as Self-consciousness of Itself. In
> other words, it is to end up with a one-sided mental abstraction from the
> concrete or whole truth. There are two mistakes here: 1. not only is
> Universal Self-consciousness abstracted from Its own Reality, but 2.
> Self-consciousness is naievly reduced to consciousness which lacks the
> integral unity essential to it (the Self or true Ego) - what Kant called
> the unity of apperception.
> These mistakes are the result of relying on contingent irrational
> intuitions (instincts) without proper philosophical study or knowledge of
> the logical necessity that governs the internal rationality of all thought
> sequences or movement. Philosophers of Spirit have studied and reached
> rational conclusions on the nature of consciousness and its ground in
> Spirit. Those who ignore that body of knowledge are illiterate and can only
> be victimized by their own conditioned instincts. That is not how human
> knowledge or science advances.
> When an image is reflected in a mirror, the image is not considered to be
> the result of glass and silver of the mirror somehow acting to create the
> image. The image has its orgin outside of the mirror and is made of
> completely different stuff. A tree reflected in a lake is not made of
> water. A radio playing back a broadcast it has received is not producing
> the broadcast from itself. Each of these examples provide metaphors for how
> to understand the difference between a reality outside of human
> consciousness can be reflected within an individual's consciousness without
> being the product of that consciousness.
> At the same time Reality is not fixed in stone; it is not an inert slab or
> impersonal substance. It does not exist only as a reflection within human
> consciousness, nor as a product of human consciousness. Such ideas do not
> pass the examination of rational thought. The idea that Reality is
> Self-conscious Thinking Being in and for itself [Spirit/God] does not
> suffer that defect. An individual is a finite moment or instantiation of
> Living Reality that reflects that Reality immanently within its
> infinitesimal self and can interpret or misinterpret it according to the
> extent of its knowledge and wisdom.
> Sincerely,
> Bhakti Madhava Puri, Ph.D.
> BHAKTI VEDANTA INSTITUTE – of Spiritual Culture & Science
> Visit us on Facebook <>
> ========================
> Original message appears in Sadhu sanga digest for Jan 3 - 4
> contact (  Jan 4
>  "The reality we accept is a human construct.”(Deepak Chopra)
> I have observed that people do indeed create their own reality. Some even
> are able to alter others reality by their mere physical presence. The
> problem I have with all of it is, all their realities would seem to be
> false.
> Being an electrical contractor my entire working life, I have observed the
> following scenario; I am working in a large commercial building with a
> thousand people sitting in cubicles with phones and computers.
> There's everyone from CEO to janitor working there also.
> Suddenly, "Boom" the electricity for the entire building goes out.
> Until I can rush to the main distribution switchgear and restore power,
> they all become totally useless.
> If the power went out permanently, they would all be sitting around
> candles chanting "Nam myoho renge kyo".
> It's actually a frightening scenario to me. Some say, "Who would want to
> live without electricity."
> --
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