Dear Moisés -  congratulations and a hearty mazel tov. I look forward to your 
continued work. Please email a digit version of your thesis if possible - Bob


Robert K. Logan
Prof. Emeritus - Physics - U. of Toronto 
Fellow University of St. Michael's College
Chief Scientist - sLab at OCAD

On Mar 23, 2017, at 10:48 AM, Moisés André Nisenbaum 
<> wrote:

Dear FISers.
Finally I finished my doctorate work :-)
The FIS' list messages, the survey and the interviews was very important data 
sources of my research.
This mailing list, and it's members, are amazing! :-)
Thank you all, very much!!!

Among other things, I was able to classify and group more than 5000 messages 
posted from 1997 to 2016 and found that the most discussed topic was 
Information and Physics. But there are ohter interesting things :-)
I'm going to submit an extended abstract for IS4SI with some of the results.
If anyone wants to know more details, please contact me. 

Special thanks to my friend Rafael, for introducing FIS to me, to Pedro for the 
support and incentive and to Bob Logan for the many conversations and the 
excellent reception at Toronto.

Um abraço!!!


Moisés André Nisenbaum
Doutor em Ciência da Informação (IBICT/UFRJ)
Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ
Campus Rio de Janeiro 
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